Page 21 of Sinner's Sacrifice
Darlene cut him off with a barked laugh. “Don’t give a shit about people like me.”
Yvgeny considered her for another moment. “The man who cut you, do you think he’s murdered anyone?”
Darlene sucked in a breath. “Yes.” Deep breath in, then out. “The night he attacked me, away from him before he could finish. I have never run so hard in my whole life. I passed out in an alley that a couple of my friends camp out in. They’re the ones who found you, Sam, and brought you to me.”
She nodded.
“When I woke up and checked my phone, my girl Tassy had texted me about getting into his car.”
“How would you know that?” Yvgeny asked.
“We always texted each other when going on a date with the license plate of the vehicle. Just in case, you know?”
“I tried to report him, but the cops at the station laughed at me. Told me I needed a different line of work.”
Yvgeny hummed. “Would you be willing to try talking to them again now that you do, indeed, have a different occupation?”
The car pulled up in front of the free clinic, but no one made a move to get out.
“Okay,” Darlene said finally. “I’ll do it, but I’ll need to get cleaned up first. The cops at the desk might not take me seriously.”
“Of course, the housekeeping department provides uniforms, and I will have a member of my security staff go with you to the police. However, you won’t be interviewed by just anyone. The officer will be female.”
“Can you guarantee that?”
“I have connections.”
“Wow,” Darlene said. “Okay.”
Sam smiled at her. “I’ll go in with you and let them know to call me when you’re ready to leave.” She opened the door and got out of the car, Darlene right behind her.
Once the door was closed and they were walking up to the clinic, Darlene leaned closer. “You must be great in the sack for him to be so generous.”
Sam reared back. “No. I mean...we’ve never...I’m only an employee.”
“No? Well, he’s totally into you then. You should hit that.”
Sam laughed. “I’ve certainly wanted to, but only with my fist.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s aggravating.”
“All men are,” Darlene said.
They got inside, and after checking in at the reception desk, sat down.
“You don’t have to stay with me. I’ll call you when I’m done. Promise.”
“I was just wondering,” Sam began. “If you’ve seen Sharon recently? I was going to ask her to report the creep, too.”
“I haven’t seen her in a couple of days,” Darlene said. “I know she was feeling pretty sick. Maybe check her place?”
“I don’t have her address.”
“Well, it’s a hotel room she’s been staying in with her mother.” Darlene gave her the name and room number.
“I’ll check on her then, thanks.” Sam got to her feet.
“Sam,” Darlene began. “I...uh...want to say...thanks.”
“No, thank you. This guy is a monster, and we need to work together to get him off the street.”