Page 34 of Sinner's Sacrifice
“To give you a present.”
There was a pause before Baz said, “Nothing good ever comes out of your idea of a gift, so, no thanks.”
“It’s information,” Yvgeny said in a sing-song voice. “Information your girlfriend will find valuable.”
Baz made a disgusted sound. “If I’d have known becoming a professional tattletale would mean talking to you more often, I’d have said no.”
“I’d love to see you try to say no to your dear mother.”
“I’d have wiggled out of it.” He sighed. “Okay, what’s the info?”
“We think there’s a serial killer preying on sex workers and homeless people downtown.”
Brian stopped writing to stare at Yvgeny with wide eyes. “What?” he croaked out.
“Who was that?” Baz asked.
“My new assistant,” Yvgeny replied.
“The FBI agent?”
“That’s the one.”
“Huh. Your sense of humor is even weirder than mine. How do you know you’ve got a serial killer on your hands?”
“Our onsite paramedic treats the street people, and they’re going missing. I’ve also got one of his victims who got away before he could kill her. He cut her up bad. She’s willing to press charges. My paramedic thinks there are more victims out there. Our live victim is reluctant to talk to the police. She’s had some bad experiences with them. I think she would talk with Nika, however.”
“Shit, I guess I’d better get up and tell her. I can’t see her turning your victim away.”
“And here I thought you were too old to learn anything wise.”
“Shut up.” The call went dead.
Brian Stettler stared at Yvgeny. “How many victims?”
“We don’t know.”
“How many bodies have you found?”
“None. Two live victims, women who got away, but...” His voice trailed off. “We don’t know if the missing women are dead or if they were taken and trafficked.”
Brian’s expression was interesting. He was all but vibrating with the need to do or say something, yet he neither moved nor spoke.
If he didn’t breathe soon, he was going to pass out.
Finally, after several seconds, he asked, “How do you know all this?”
Yvgeny’s eyebrows rose. “I just explained it.”
“But...” Brian hesitated a moment. “Why do you care?”
“Missing people are bad for business. Murder victims are even worse.”
“Prostitutes and homeless people affect your business?”
“Fear affects my business and my employees. Fearful people are distracted, less productive, and unhappy. My hotels excel because my staff are at their best all the time.”
Brian blinked. “Okay, that makes sense, I guess.” He tilted his head to one side. “You found all this out through a paramedic who works for you?”