Page 38 of Sinner's Sacrifice
“I mean, you’re in a unique position. Yvgeny runs a tight operation with an extensive network of business contacts, which means you’ll be exposed to all kinds of interesting information you can pass along to the FBI.”
Yvgeny covered his eyes with one hand. “Stop giving him ideas,” he whined. “I’m going to have to assign him his own protection detail if he does that.”
Nika grinned, but it had a razor’s edge. “Think of him as a modern Robin Hood. He’s an arrogant prick sometimes,” she said to Brian. “But he’s also dependable and loyal.”
“Dependable?” Yvgeny demanded. “Me?”
“That is basically what Carla said,” Sam pointed out.
“Carla?” Nika asked.
“Our waitress.”
“I feel like I’m in a bad spy movie,” Brian muttered.
“You’re playing in the big leagues now,” Nika said. “You’re supposed to feel that way. It’s only when you get comfortable that you should worry.”
“According to Baz, you think there’s a serial killer operating in Manhattan,” Nika said to Yvgeny, all the humor gone from her gaze. “Why?”
“Because I told him so,” Sam said.
Nika looked at her. “Explain.”
So she did. She told the entire story of the disappearances. The rumors on the street of a sexual predator. Of Darlene and Sharon getting away from him after he nearly killed them. Of Sharon dying of her wounds in the night.
“How did you come to have all this information?” Nika asked. “Street people are notoriously closed mouthed.”
“On her off hours, she gives free condoms and first aid to the homeless and sex workers,” Yvgeny supplied. “They trust her, and a few of them confided in her.”
Nika stared at her. “That’s a hell of a personal investment. Do you know who it this killer is?”
Sam shook her head. If she knew, he’d be dead already.
“No, unfortunately, we don’t,” Yvgeny said. “If we did, we’d have presented him, gift wrapped, to you.”
“Darlene has agreed to give a statement,” Sam added.
Nika’s eyebrows rose. “This is the victim who survived?”
Nika sat back, her head tilted to one side and a small smile on her face. “I want to talk to her.”
“I figured.”
Carla came out with a tray full of plates. The scent of eggs, bacon, and butter preceded her.
Sam’s stomach growled.
“First,” Yvgeny said, giving her a sidelong glance. “Food. Then we’ll talk to your friend.”
Carla handed out everyone’s plates, and Sam ate quickly. Yvgeny seemed...antsy or anxious. His leg brushed against her as he bounced it up and down in a show of nerves she’d never seen in him before.
His leg stopped moving.
She looked at him, but he was focused on the entrance of the restaurant.
Mason was coming toward them. Probably with news.