Page 45 of Sinner's Sacrifice
His accent was thick, thicker than Yvgeny’s or any of the assorted employees and associates. She didn’t care what Yvgeny said, it sounded like a Russian accent to her.
“And you, doctor,” Yvgeny replied, sounding almost normal. Almost.
The doctor pasted a smile on his face. “Who am I to examine?”
Yvgeny waved a hand at her. “My paramedic. She was...shoved to the ground. I would like to make sure her ribs aren’t broken, and she doesn’t have a concussion.”
The doctor finally looked directly at her, his eyebrows raised. “Certainly.” He gave her another weak smile.
She didn’t say anything.
“If you could sit on the examination table,” he said to her. “I’d like to look at your torso.”
She was about to stand, but Yvgeny was there, picking her up. He put her on the table and regained his seat without saying a word.
The doctor watched this, surprise crossing his face before he hid it. So, it wasn’t just her. Other people thought Yvgeny was acting weird, too.
He took a step closer. “Where are you experiencing pain?”
“The right side of my head and my side.” Sam placed her right hand on her ribs below her breast.
He pulled out the penlight and turned it on. He shone it into each of her eyes, back and forth, then gestured at her chest. “May I?” he asked.
She frowned. “Of course.” How else was he supposed to determine where he wanted the x-ray to be taken?
She began to unbutton her shirt.
Yvgeny got to his feet so fast the chair hit the wall behind him with enough force to dent the drywall, but it was his face that held her attention. He looked like he was one second from erupting into violence again.
She stared at him. “What’s wrong?” she asked carefully, keeping her tone calm and even.
“No one touches you,” Yvgeny said, back to snarling again.
There was more going on here than she knew that much was obvious, but she didn’t know if it was a cultural thing, or a guy thing, or what.
She smiled at the doctor. “Can Mr. Breznik and I have a moment alone, please?”
“Of course, yes.” He nodded a bit too hard and rushed to the door a bit too fast. The door closed behind him softly.
Yvgeny opened his mouth to snarl some more. It was time to divert his attention.
She continued unbuttoning her shirt.
His mouth froze partway open, his gaze glued to the action of her fingers as each button was pulled loose. He didn’t even breathe for several seconds.
When her entire shirt was open, she carefully pulled the right side away from her body. She didn’t remove her bra; certain the problem area was below it. “Can you see a bruise?” she asked quietly.
He shifted closer, swallowing hard, and lifted one hand to trace over her skin in a large oblong. His touch was so light, it was more of a warm breeze. “Yes,” he said, no snarl to his voice now.
She studied his face, pleased to see the anger receding. “The doctor needs to see it, too.”
Yvgeny raised his gaze to hers.
“He will also want to touch me there to feel for any obvious broken bones or other internal damage.”
Yvgeny’s nostrils flared, but she hurried on before he could speak.
“It’s his job. I don’t want a stranger touching me either, but he needs to do these things to decide what to do next.”