Page 68 of Sinner's Sacrifice
“The men in this truck were trying to kidnap my girlfriend.” No hesitation in saying it this time. “So, in a way, this is my fault.”
“Don’t say that,” Sam hissed at him. “You can’t help”
The cops both looked between him and Sam.
Yvgeny sighed and decided the truth was useful at the moment. “I’m wealthy. I own a number of properties and businesses in Manhattan and elsewhere in the city.”
That explained the kidnapping attempt, but not the attempted murder.
The first officer radioed for an ambulance.
“I don’t need an ambulance,” she said in that stubborn tone she used right before she told someone, usually him, to fuck off. Yvgeny might have gone along with it, but she shivered, hard and her arms, which were around his neck, tightened.
“You need to see a doctor,” he said to her, in a near whisper.
She lifted her head and met his gaze for the first time since he’d pulled the asshole off her. Tears shimmered in her eyes, her lips trembled, and her skin was too pale. “I’m so angry right now...” Her breathing sped up. “If someone else touches me, I’ll probably deck them.”
“You’re okay with me...?” he let the question hang.
“Duh,” she rolled her eyes. “You’re touching me now, aren’t you? Have I punched you yet?”
“Sam—” he began.
She went nose to nose with him and all but shouted, “No.”
One of the cops cleared his throat. “We can’t force her to see a doctor.”
Yvgeny looked at them. “You’re supposed to be on my side. Go away.”
They just stared at him.
Sam sighed, kissed his neck, and looked at the cops. “He’s melodramatic. Which is great when he plans sexy time, but occasionally his mouth runs away with him.”
“Sexy time?” he asked her. “This isn’t a therapy session.”
“It’s practice for when we go for therapy, because something tells me I’ll be looking for some.”
Wait, that was a good thing, wasn’t it?
“Fine. Okay.”
An ambulance rolled up. And two paramedics got out. One of them was a woman.
“Do you know her?” Yvgeny asked.
“No,” Sam said, then sighed again. “Okay, I’ll let her look at me, but only her, and’re staying with me.”
His eyebrows rose.
She sighed. “You got that look on your face.”
“What look?”
“The one that says you’re planning to find that guy and destroy him down to the last atom.”