Page 12 of Sinner's Secret
Nika admitted as much, cried a bit more, then waited while the cook drove her home during a slow ten minutes.
She let herself into the shabby apartment she was renting as part of her cover, locked the door, and flopped onto the couch to think about what had really happened.
She’d seen Baz sitting in his cab, but had been more focused on the two men following her to consider the possibility he’d get out of his vehicle to do something about them. She should have stopped to talk to him, giving a reason for the two men to hold off on their attempt to grab her. She’d been told by more than one person that Baz, while he might be a jerk, and was rumored to sleep in his vehicle, he was also safe.
Still, it hadn’t crossed her mind that he’d try to stop them and succeed.
He was a sarcastic jerk, and funny too, though she made sure not to reveal that. The guy had an arrogant streak that was wide enough already.
Not bad looking, in an untidy way. Dark hair and beard, brilliant blue eyes. Moved fast, like some of the best martial arts masters she’d seen and trained with. He stood at about six feet, a couple inches taller than she was, and had wider shoulders than she remembered from glimpses of him she’d seen at the diner.
Whenever he was there, he mostly sat hunched over his coffee. It made him look smaller than he really was.
There had been a moment when he was talking to the creep who grabbed her, when he looked dangerous and deadly. That expression had been enough for the creep to let her go to focus on getting his gun out to shoot Baz. And Baz hadn’t baulked, had, in fact, walked straight toward the creep and his gun.
Was the cab driver ex-military?
That would explain his ability to face a weapon without flinching, as well as live out of his cab and keep strange hours. A lot of vets had trouble sleeping and living in one place where the bad guys could always find you. Too many vets were more than ready to step in front of a bullet to save someone else. Was he one of those damaged heroes?
She’d have to look into it. Anticipation and something that might have been attraction warmed her belly.
She examined that feeling. It was never a good idea to either have or show interest in someone whose connections to crime or criminal organizations was in question, but...
Nika sighed. He’d stepped up to help a stranger with no thought of his own personal safety. His anger at the news of a human trafficking ring operating in the part of the city he considered his hadn’t been feigned.
Oddest of all, she was certain that he’d told her the truth about his past and his role, or lack thereof, in his family’s business. He hadn’t hidden how he felt about...anything, and that kind of honesty was rare.
Her phone beeped and she checked it. Excellent, the background check on Baz had come through.
As he said, he’d come from Slovenia and lived in Chicago for a few years. He’d spent three years in the military, the Marines specifically. There were a couple of citations on his record, and a letter of commendation from his unit commander regarding his efforts to save several members of his unit after they were ambushed. He’d ended up being the only ambulatory person by the end of it. He’d worked tirelessly for more than thirty-six hours to patch everyone up and move them to a location where they could be extracted by helicopter.
He'd done it all while under continuous fire.
Yeah, that was more than enough to make a man paranoid about who knew where he slept.
This was a man who, when he decided to look after you, wouldn’t hesitate to walk through a hail of bullets to provide that help. She’d seen his face when that thug tried to pull his gun earlier. He’d focused on the threat in a way that harnessed any fear he might have felt.
Hella sexy.
And wasn’t that just a kick in the pants. It had been years since she’d been this attracted to a man, thanks to her philandering ex-husband.
Listening to Baz talk about what he’d gone through with the death of his wife and son told her that once he gave you a promise, he’d keep it or die trying.
His timing sucked, however. Her team had been so close tonight. Close to getting someone into the acquisition line of this human trafficking ring. Close to discovering where it started at least.
Baz had to come along and fuck it up.
She sighed. He was only doing what he thought was right, couldn’t fault the man for that.
Nika got up, went through her usual routine, then went to bed. She needed to keep up the appearance of being nothing more than a broke waitress.
Six hours later the buzz of her cell phone woke her up. She answered it with a groggy, “Hello?”
“Miss Johansen, this is the police. We’re sending a patrol car to pick you up so you can come in and give your statement.”
The weariness pulling at her eyelids dissipated under a wave of adrenaline.