Page 78 of Sinner's Secret
“Hey,” Baz said, his voice a rumble under her ear. “I think it’s time I fed you.”
“Yeah, I’m starving actually.” She propped herself up on one hand so she could see his face. “What about you?” She was still trying to understand how vampirism worked verses the versions popular in books, TV, and movies. Baz seemed different than Yvgeny—stronger.
Baz shook his head. “I got enough from two of the hitmen in the storm drain. I won’t need more to eat for a few days.”
“How much do you need?”
“I’ve learned to get by on about a pint, two cups every four or five days.”
“You said the alcohol in human blood makes it hurt going down?”
“Yeah, and to make it even less fun for me, I do my best to syphon as much alcohol out as I can. Which,” he said with a shrug. “Has had an unintended consequence.”
“A good one or a bad one?”
“Good for my...donor, and it’s resulted in my being popular at Joe’s pub.” His face flushed.
Was he embarrassed? “This I’ve got to know.”
“If I take a pint off them, they don’t have hangovers. I’ve become something of a lucky charm to Joe’s patrons.”
“You’re a hangover cure?” she asked dryly. “That’s ironic and more than a little hilarious.”
“It’s not like I can tell them why they don’t get a hangover.”
“True.” It would cause a panic at the very least. If the whole world knew about Baz and his fellow vampires, they’d be killed outright or gathered up by governments to be experimented on or turned into super-soldiers.
“Yvgeny said there was a good pizza place close by,” Baz said. “You eat, then we can decide what to do next.”
“I have an idea,” she said as she rolled out of the bunk. He wasn’t going to like it, but she doubted they could avoid all risk no matter what they did.
“That’s better than what I’ve got,” Baz said as he got up as well.
“Kill them all and let God sort them out?” she asked.
“Something like that.”
“Mine is a little more subtle.” She glanced at her clothes, they were dirty, bloody, and if she wore them on the street someone was liable to call 911. “I need a shower. Is there soap in there?”
“Yeah, it’s nothing fancy, but it’ll get you clean.”
“Sounds like heaven to me.” She grabbed the bag with the clean clothes in it.
He showed her the way, then said he wanted to check the building again before they left. She got into the shower while he did that and discovered a few cuts and bruises she didn’t remember getting.
Yesterday had been one shock after another.
Waking up and realizing it hadn’t all been a nightmare had been just as traumatic in its own way.
How had he lived as long as he had, and not gone insane? He’d been witness to so much history, so many events, and far too many wars.
By the time she was clean and dressed, she was ready to eat cardboard, she was that hungry.
Nika stepped out of the washroom and found Baz waiting for her, but he wasn’t alone. Yvgeny was with him. Back in a fancy, expensive suit and looking like he was on his way to a high-power CEO style meeting.
Both men turned to look at her. Yvgeny winked and gave her a smirk. Baz’s expression smoldered.
Her stomach growled, loud enough to speak for her.