Page 40 of Sinner's Salvation
“I think we freaked them out,” Brian said. “I bet you twenty bucks they come back with cops.”
“We need to be gone before that happens,” Anna said, getting to her feet. She wobbled a little. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt dizzy. “I need blood. Soon,” she whispered.
“Soon,” Evan said, making the word a promise.
He got up and stuck his head out between the rear doors and looked around. “Get ready to move,” he said to Anna and Brian.
Brian stood and put a hand under her elbow.
As soon as Evan hopped out and waved at them to follow, they also stepped down from the vehicle.
They walked casually toward the nearest exit sign.
Anna looked at herself, then Brian. “We need clean clothing.”
Brian gave her a flat look. “I need my head examined.”
Evan laughed, but made an effort to mask it with a cough.
They went out through a side door opposite the main entrance of the emergency room and found themselves in a small parking lot. Full of very expensive cars.
“Must be doctor’s parking,” Brian said.
“How do you figure that?” Evan asked.
“There are three Porsches, a Lamborghini, and a Rolls Royce parked here.”
“Good deduction,” Evan said. “Does our backup know where we are, or are we going to have to move from this location to find them?”
“He told me to wait here.”
Evan’s eyebrows rose, and he moved to stand between Brian and Anna. “He’s familiar with this hospital?”
“It’s more like he’s familiar with the parking lots of this hospital,” Brian said, looking at the gated entrance to the lot.
“What does our backup look like?” Evan asked.
“A yellow cab,” Brian said, glancing backward at Evan, then doing a double take. “What?” He looked around quickly. “Did I miss something?”
Evan didn’t reply.
She couldn’t see his face, since she was behind him, but she imagined Evan was giving Brian a hard stare.
Brian’s face morphed from confused and slightly alarmed to disappointed. “You think I’m setting her up? That bastard shot me, too. He’s absolutely nuts!”
Evan shrugged. “I’m probably more suspicious than a regular person. I am with Army Intelligence.”
“You’re saying you have a spy mentality?”
He shrugged. “It’s kept me alive this long.”
“Evan,” Anna said.
He turned so he could see her and Brian at the same time.
“A yellow cab means my son is coming.”
“Your son? I was only aware of your nephew.”