Page 52 of Sinner's Salvation
The kid did look a little pale.
“That asshole really did it,” he muttered. “He really lied to everyone about everything.”
Anna studied the young man for a moment, then patted his shoulder. “I have learned several things about people over the years. Many of them are selfish, self-centered, and greedy. They will commit heinous crimes if they think they can get away with it. And they don’t deal with failure or rejection well. It’s unfortunate that we’ve run into some of them.”
“What do you do about it?” Brian asked.
Good question.
She smiled, but it was there and gone off her face so fast he wasn’t sure he saw it. “You carry on despite them.”
Brian’s frown deepened. “That’s it?”
A dangerous smile came to rest on Anna’s face. “Carrying on includes destroying your enemies.”
“Whew.” Baz laughed. “For a second, you had me wondering if you’re suffering from some lingering brain damage, mom.”
“Must you make a joke out of everything?” Anna asked, rolling her eyes.
“Yes,” everyone in the car said, at the same time.
Anna’s expression changed from annoyed to satisfied.
“Grab a phone out of the glove box,” Baz said to Evan.
Evan opened the box and discovered a half dozen cheap cell phones. He pulled one out. “Who am I calling?”
“The hotel. I need to let my cousins know we’re incoming and to expect enemy fire.”
“Donotstart a fight in downtown Manhattan,” Nika ordered.
“Yes, dear,” Baz said, with a deliberately nasal tone.
“Asshole,” she muttered.
“I love you, too,” he said.
Evan turned to stare at the other man. He’d never heard Baz sound this...happy.
Evan cleared his throat. “What’s the phone number?”
Baz told him, and Evan placed the call. He put the phone on speaker.
“What?” a deep, gravelly voice said.
“I’ve got good news for you, grumpy,” Baz said.
“Your good news usually means bad news for everyone else.”
“I’d protest, but you’re probably right. I’m on my way back to the hotel and I think we’re going to get some high maintenance check-ins arriving soon.”
“Some of those are already here.”
“Ah, so the front of the hotel is crowded, and I need to use the service entrance?”
“If you can find it.”
“Thanks, grumpy, you’re a treasure.”