Page 63 of Sinner's Salvation
“This is a nice setup,” he said, almost absently, studying the screens intensely.
“My nephew is very detail oriented.”
“Is that another word for paranoid?”
“Maybe, but this is the second time in the last couple of days this room has needed to be used, so I don’t think I can complain about the paranoia.”
“Yeah, I’m thinking he was right,” Evan said. “The lobby has, what, a dozen cops in it? Where are the FBI agents?”
“In the elevator.” She pointed at another screen. “They’re on their way up to Yvgeny’s apartment.”
“That didn’t take long.”
“No.” She looked at the screens with the feed from the entrances of the hotel. All of them were clogged with police, police cars, and police on horseback. “We were very lucky to make it back here.”
“I wonder what that asshole told everyone,” Evan said.
“That is an excellent question,” Anna said, touching the keyboard to wake the computer. She found the controls for all the camera feeds and turned the sound on for the one in the elevator.
It was full of six FBI agents and Mason. All the agents stared at Mason, a couple of them with their hands on their guns.
No one said a word the whole ride up.
When the elevator chimed and everyone got out, Anna switched the sound to the feed from Yvgeny’s apartment.
“Sir,” Mason said to Baz, as he got off the elevator and led the contingent of FBI agents into the space. “These gentlemen are looking for Brian Stettler.”
One of the agents looked Baz up and down, taking in his extremely casual clothing, and snorted. “This is the guy in charge?”
“Temporarily,” Baz said. “Don’t worry, I’m just as unhappy about it as you are.”
“Where is Yvgeny Breznik?” the agent asked.
“He’s out of the country on vacation right now.” Baz glanced at Mason. “I thought you said they wanted to talk to Brian?”
“That’s what he said,” Mason agreed.
“We would like to speak with Mr. Yvgeny Breznik, Mr. Stettler, and a Ms. Breznik,” the agent said.
“Don’t you mean FBI Special Agent Stettler?” Baz asked.
All the FBI agents froze. “Excuse me?” the mouthpiece agent asked.
“Everyone in the room, everyone in the building knows he works for you.” Baz walked over to the guest room door and knocked on it. He smiled, and it wasn’t a nice smile. “Everyone.”
A couple of seconds later, Brian opened the door. He’d showered, but he’d put his bloody clothes on again.
“What? I haven’t slept in...” he seemed to notice the FBI agents standing around the apartment. “Oh, hi,” he said, with a little wave. “You’re FBI?”
“Yes,” the same agent who’d been doing all the talking replied.
“What a coincidence, so am I.” Brian smiled in a way that made him look like he wasn’t all there. “Why are you guys here?”
The mouthpiece agent’s jaw dropped. “To make sure you’re still alive. To find out what you.” He glanced around the room. “To question those responsible.”
“Great! Start with a Homeland Security agent named Ledger,” Brian said. “But be careful, the guy is one of those conspiracy theorist nuts.”
The agent stared at Brian for several seconds before he spoke again. “What conspiracy theory?”