Page 12 of 3013: Dreamer
As a member of the royal family, Kyryl had visited Arcadia several times over the long centuries. While he was there, he had trained people on the proper techniques needed to expand their minds and use their magic for ultimate potency. That wasn’t as easy to do as it was on the Ilius home world, but he’d done his best with what he had to work with.
He had also acted as an impartial judge for many local disputes. His calm demeanor and years of experience made him the perfect individual to fill that role, and he enjoyed traveling around the planet helping people.
Besides having powerful magic, the Dragon Warriors were known for their brute strength and fierce fighting skills. That was something Kyryl admired about them. While he’d been visiting Arcadia, he had learned several different types of combat with various weapons.
For an adventurous soul like Kyryl, peace could be quite boring. Because of that, he spent a lot of time traveling the stars and visiting other worlds. He wasn’t looking for a fight. He was simply trying to find his purpose and satisfy his curious nature. He had a keen sense of justice and couldn’t abide seeing anyone abused or mistreated, but there wasn’t much use for his particular skill set on his home world.
With his father and mother still in their prime, Ilius was well taken care of. The citizens loved Empress Livinia and Emperor Aldor Lux. They had been in power long enough to anticipate the needs of the people and were able to solve many issues that came up before they got to be major problems.
Kyryl’s oldest brother, Jomei, had been trained to become the next emperor since birth. Jomei and his mate, Xiana, and their two children, Callon and Lanis, would rule Ilius well when their time came. That meant Alestra, Kyryl, and their younger brother, Izar, were free to live their own lives.
As a prince of the ruling family of Ilius, Kyryl was well aware of how lucky he was. There was no denying that. He was powerful, wealthy, and came from a loving family unit that fully supported him. He took his responsibilities of being part of the royal family seriously, but they never tried to block his wanderlust or force him to do anything he didn’t want to do.
That made it even more important for him to defend those less privileged than he was.
Now that his elder sister had decided to live on Earth with her mate for the foreseeable future, Kyryl wondered if he would ever find a place where he felt like he belonged. Until then, he was satisfied with traveling and exploring new worlds.
He enjoyed visiting Earth, but he thought the cities were too crowded to live in long-term. There was an abundance of desert and barren land that could be terraformed, though. If they were planning to work on expanding the cities, that might be aninteresting project to stick around for. If not, he was content to visit with his sister and her new family until he felt the itch to move on.
“That’s it. You can never leave.”
Kyryl smirked at his new brother as Jais Starr sat down in one of the lounge chairs. The big Krytos might have been joking, but there was a hint of truth in his words. He looked utterly exhausted, so Kyryl couldn’t really blame him for feeling that way.
Since the Ilius gestation period was only a month, that hadn’t given Jais a whole lot of time to prepare for being the father to a magical baby. While Alestra was doing pretty well acclimating to being a parent, Jais was still struggling a little. Not because he didn’t love his son with everything in him. The big Krytos was just worried about hurting Jyn or making a mistake.
“Why does my son only sleep like that when you, Alestra, or the Dragon Warriors are holding him?” Jais complained.
“Because you are giving off nervous energy whenever you hold him, and it makes him anxious,” Kyryl stated bluntly.
“I can’t help it!” Jais whispered frantically. “Look at him, he’s so tiny. I’m freaking terrified I’m going to crush him or something.”
Kyryl was almost the same size as Jais was, but he exuded a calmness that put the baby at ease whenever he held him. “The main thing you need to do is learn how to control your magic since that is where most of your anxiety is coming from. Have you been meditating like I taught you?”
“No, he hasn’t,” Trip Rage cheerfully ratted out his best friend as he sauntered over to join them. The big Helios male handed each of them a bottle of ale before he took a seat in the chair next to Jais. “He can only sit still for like ten minutes max before he remembers something he has to do.”
“It’s longer than ten minutes,” Jais muttered, then he hunched his shoulders in shame when Kyryl frowned at him. “I’ll try harder. I’ve gotten good at doing everything else, though.”
That was true enough.
Since Jyn had been born, Jais had been running himself ragged pampering his mate and his son. Still, when Alestra was sleeping, Jais had a difficult time resting at the same time because he was worried they wouldn’t be able to hear their son if he needed something. That unease was strong enough to disturb the sleeping baby in his crib.
Because of that, Kyryl had started holding Jyn while they both rested since he was able to use his magic to create a barrier around himself and his nephew to ensure the baby slept well. However, that was only a temporary fix. Luckily, just like their accelerated gestation period, Ilius babies grew quickly. They were only considered infants for a few weeks, then their growth gradually slowed.
Still, Jais had to learn how to control his energy and magic sooner or later since that was part of being mated to an Ilius.
Jyn was such a sweet, adorable baby. Rather than the dark magenta hair Kyryl and Alestra shared, the baby’s hair was growing in as black as his father’s. But instead of inheriting Jais’ black eyes, Jyn had the same glowing silvery lavender eyes that the Lux siblings had.
Since Alestra and Jais were the first Ilius and Krytos pairing that they knew of, they weren’t sure what other traits the baby had inherited from his parents. That would come with time. For now, all they could do was wait until he grew older.
“You need to learn how to calm your energy for your son,” Kyryl chided gently.
Jais sighed heavily. “I know. I will try harder. I swear. That’s why I’m up here every night getting magic lessons from you andthe Dragon Warriors.” He turned to glare at his friend. “What are you doing here?”
“Moral support?” Trip grinned as he shrugged. “I annoyed Emma earlier, so she sent me up here to hang out with you. She thinks I should learn how to meditate along with you.”
“She’s not wrong,” Kyryl pointed out. “You will also need to learn how to relax before your baby is born.”