Page 10 of Hell on Wheels
Rogue peeps over my shoulder at him before turning back to the rest of us. “My room?”
“Your room.” Angelo and Damon chime in before glaring at one another.
“I haven’t heard you two do the twin thing in a long time,” Rogue murmurs around another yawn.
I chuckle and shift her in my arms as I climb the long staircase to the second floor. The twins are arguing and socking one another as we make our way to the extensive suite on the left side of the house. She doesn’t know it, but when we all moved in, we left the largest unoccupied. It never felt right for any of us to take it, so only the cleaning staff go into it. After three years of it sitting empty, we may have finally found its intended occupant—Rogue.
Okay, we were a little creepy crushing on a girl three years younger than us, but no girl has ever compared to Rogue.
When I step over the threshold, she lifts her head from my shoulder and frowns. “I’ve never seen you guys open this door before.”
“Special occasions call for special locations, Wheels.” I walk over to the enormous bed, sitting her down carefully on the bright blue satin comforter. “Now, you go to sleep like a good girl, and when you wake up, we can talk more.”
She looks like she wants to tell me to get fucked, but she murmurs, “Stay with me? Don’t tell him, but I had nightmares the last time I snoozed.”
As if I could say ‘no’ tothatrequest.
“Okay, Wheels. I’ll stay.” I smile as she curls onto her good side, leaving her arm propped up. Once she settles, I climb in next to her and lay my head on the pillow, closing my eyes.
I am pretty damned tired from being up all night…
“What the hell is going on in here?”
The sound of Rebel shouting like a fucking idiot wakes me up, and I squint in the waning light in the room. I take a moment to put all the pieces together, but once I notice Rogue has wiggled her way into my arms while we snoozed, I get it. He’s a jealous asshat, and he’s going to wake her with his stupid hissy fit.
“Shhhhh,” I whisper. “She’s still asleep, though that’s a minor miracle with you bellowing.”
His eyes narrow and he stalks over, his angry gaze landing on the injured arm she has resting on my stomach. “I canseethat, asshole. Why areyouhere?”
“Because she asked me to stay, dumbass. I mean, I didn’t start outexactlyin this position, but…”
Before he can start yelling again, Javi pops his head around the doorframe. “Is Dragonfly awake? I made tacos.”
Rebel doesn’t move and I swear, if he was a cartoon character, there would steam coming out of his ears. “No, she’s not awake yet!”
“She is now,” Rogue mumbles, stretching along my side as she yawns. When her eyes open, I wiggle the fingers of my free hand at her. She turns bright red under her freckles as she realizes what position we’re in.
Her injured arm moves, and I put it back gently. “You’re fine, Wheels. I’ve been told I make an excellent pillow, footstool, and a multitude of other furnishings.”
“Punching bag,” Reb mutters.
“Knock it off.”
Angelo and Damon appear on the other side of the doorway, and Rebel throws his hands in the air in frustration. I wave at them as well, and Angelo pinches the bridge of his nose. Damon gets that weird look on his face and drops his eyes back to the ever-present phone in his hands.
“Did I hear something about tacos?” Wheels asks, looking over her shoulder. “Cause I could eat.”
“Sí, senorita,” Javi replies as he pushes past the irritable Fae blocking the entrance. “And since I am the chef, I will escort you to my kitchen.” He leans down and picks her up, causing her to squeal as he carries her.
“What is it with you jerks picking me up today?!” Rogue growls as she struggles in his grasp.
“It was my turn,” Javi says as he gives her a brilliant grin. “Besides, Archie started it.”
Oh, way to throw me under the bus, amigo.
Once they’re gone, Rebel turns his death stare back at me as I lounge on the bed. I pointedly ignore him, smiling as Angelo and Damon bring the rest of Rogue’s things in. Her purple bags and cases seem to match the vibe of the room, and I feel inordinately pleased with myself. I made the right choice bringing her here rather than one of the guest rooms downstairs.
“You know, this really is a beautiful room,” Damon says as he hefts one case onto the couch. “The decor even suits her.”