Page 101 of Hell on Wheels
No one is here to agree with me, so I stomp over to the dress hanging on the outside of my closet. It’s gorgeous and clearlybespoke, but I have no desire to wear it. We ran every magical and chemical test Angelo and Damon could think of to make sure it’s not some sort of trap, then Reb and I had one of our Guardian friends with the ‘gift’ check it out, too. Unfortunately for me, it’s not a booby trap, just a booby… display.
I snort to myself as I pull the zipper down and untie the faux corset ribbons on the back one by one. Truthfully, I can either have someone shred me out or magic myself out if I need to shed all this weight. I’d prefernotto get in a scrap dressed in a corset, garters, thigh highs, and tiny undies, but I sure as fuck will if I have to. People can fuck right off if they expect me to play a wilting flower just because I’m dressed like one.
Stepping into my outfit for the evening, I carefully tug it up my body until the built-in sparkling boy shorts slip over my muscled thighs. The huge tulle skirt drapes down in ombre ruffles from the sides of my hips and around my back to trail behind me. It’s an odd combination of old world and modern style, with the fluffy princess in the back and the tough girl shorts in the front, plus the bustier top. I giggle when it occurs to me that it’s designed with the dress equivalent of a mullet. That helps me survive getting the top over the boned lingerie so I can settle my girls into it. I won’t be able to close the back myself, but luckily, I have plenty of guys who will be eager to help.
I hold the top up so I can walk over to my full-length mirror, twisting a little to see how the various shades of blues, purples, and pinks look when I turn on the full body Fae marks. Tilting my head, I grin a little. I look hot, which helps me quell my anger and nervousness a bit. If I could wear the wings, it’s be even better, but unlike most of my ilk, mine are not good as accessories unless I’m trying to kill people.
C’est la vie.
“Wheels, you almost ready in there?”
Archie is the only one brave enough to knock, but I’m sure they’re all out there, looking breathtakingly sexy in their various tuxes that Guillermo completely rocked. He stays quiet for a minute and I continue looking at myself in the mirror, trying to mentally prepare for the onslaught of my men after the quiet. When I’m ready, I finally respond.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, but I’m going to need help to get laced into this thing.”
“At your service, babe,” the lion says as he opens the door and strides in. “I can help with shoes, too.”
My jaw drops as I look at him in the perfectly tailored tux in shades of teal, magenta, peach, and pale green that brings out his eyes, his tan, and his blond hair like a gust of spring.
Oh, I’m in deep fucking trouble tonight.—and I don’t mean the room full of enemies.
Let’s Get It Started
Having your woman and your guy look at you like they’re planning to devour you is a hell of an ego booster. My fellow dudes all had their jaws on the floor as Rogue descended the steps with Archie, and I did, too. Both of them look hot as hell in their colorful formal wear, but I’m just as happy to note their gaze on me.
Guillermo really outdid himself this time; Lola and Luca will lose their shit.
Archie and Rogue are in cool palettes—much like Reb in his spring green, purple and blue—but Javi, Angelo, and I are in warm tones of black, yellow, orange, and red. It’s an amazing contrast when we’re all together, almost as if we were intentionally dressed to represent the rainbow that is part of Rogue’s derby handle. No suit is the same; they’re all tailoredto the personality of the owner in a way that makes us look like we’re ready to walk a runway in Milan.
The effect is stunning and as we drive from the house to the ‘secret’ location of the Appalachin in the large armored SUV, I can’t help feeling a tiny thread of confidence. We may not be in on what the hell is going on, but someone wanted us present for this damn meeting masquerading as a party. It might be good or horribly bad, but no matter what, we’ll know where to go from here once it’s over.
“Damon? You cool, bro?”
I look over at my twin, shrugging. “As okay as any of us can be without knowing why we’ve been summoned. You and I probably would have had to come even if Rogue didn’t get the package, but Luca would have told us himself. This is a very interesting way to bring two Guardians, two demon princes, and two shifters with varying alliances to their table. I’ve been trying to suss out why—other than Mina having machinations—and nothing I’ve run has a probability percentage high enough to presume it’s likely.”
Rogue turns in her seat to give me a fond look. “Damon, some shit can’t be quantified, no matter how hard you try. The amount of variables in this situation is quantum level stuff and you haven’t had the time to be super computer man. It’s okay if we have to go in with our eyes open and the weapons we can smuggle past the guards.”
“It is handy that you and Rebel can do that magic call thingy. Yours won’t have to be hidden,” Javier says. “Carbon fiber stuff should fool metal detectors, but not mages and whatnot.”
Snorting from the driver’s seat, Rebel shakes his head. “It depends on how thoroughly they’ve warded this place. Fae magic is usually strong enough to get past most of the witch or mage stuff, but we can’t guarantee it. Angelo, have you seen any Fae groups at these things in the past?”
My twin scratches his chin, thinking about it. Since Luca rarely takes me along, I don’t have an answer. Unfortunately, Angelo’s memory isn’t eidetic like mine, nor is he good at paying attention to things that aren’t his immediate concern. “Dude, I don’t know. I don’t remember discourse with any, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t there, and I didn’t miss it. I’m always focused on what the fuck trouble Luca is getting demons into more than anything.”
“He’s very unpredictable in audiences like that,” I add. “Ang would have to pay attention to what he’s yammering about, so the entirety of our family and possibly all surface dwelling demons aren’t tied to something shitty because Luca was trying to impress someone he wanted to fuck or beat up.”
“How the hell has that idiot held onto his seat for this long? You guys describe him like the typical philandering billionaire moron the humans elect. Demons are definitely smarter than that,” Rogue says as she frowns. “I don’t get it.”
Archie laughs, looking over at Angelo and me in amusement. “Your dad would be so pissed at that comparison.”
“He really would,” I murmur, then sigh. “Luca can be single-minded about things, but Lola is the stabilizer. She brings him back from stupidity every time, and when she’s not there, it’s Angelo’s job. When there isn’t a lot of eye candy, he does fine on his own—mostly.”
“Even the underworld spins on exceptional women being the backbone for successful men,” Rogue mutters in annoyance. “You assholes had better neverexpect me to carry your water like that. I’ll gut you and take your seats at the table myself.”
That really has no business being as hot as it is, but here we are.
I arch a brow at the giant pit demon and wolf shifter manning the door at the innocuous-looking warehouse. My senses tell me this is disguised by a lot of magic—perhaps a combination amongst the groups to prevent uninvited guests—and they think their large statures in non-supe form are intimidating. That’s not the case in the slightest, evidenced by the loud bark of laughter from our girl.