Page 30 of Hell on Wheels
“My mom texted, and she’s pregnant again!”
Javi snorts. “That’s not the only news. He’s just dealing with knowing that his folks are still banging it out.”
Nope. Not discussing any of their parents’ sex lives. Or mine, for that matter.
“Tell us the other news then,” Angelo says, winking at me. “And congrats, man. Which dad do you think got it done?”
I choke as Archie clings to me tightly. He’s definitely not ready to joke about his dad’s knocking his mom up. I run my hand over his back gently. “Okay, okay, buddy.”
Rebel laughs as I try to comfort his friend, then finally stacks his hands behind his head. “You and I got officially entered in the trike, little sis. I got the green light from Roadrunner’s race manager.”
“That’s why we're here,” Javi adds.
Damon grins at me. “They had to make nice with the big shots. That’s why they broke assface’s decree.”
“Yeah, I’m sure Sariah Templeton simplyrefusedto leave Scheherazade’s lair to talk business,” I grumble as I try to pry Archie off without upsetting him.
None of them have a witty retort for that—Sariah is a cobra shifter, and she’s as tough as they come. Her only concern is making money for the racing division, so she would have beenhappy to take their meeting anywhere Reb wanted. He’s one of the top five racers in the league and that woman knows where the bread is buttered.
My stepbrother just wanted to torque me off by being a giant hypocrite. Typical.
“Since you’re all fucked up…” I glare at Javi. He should have been the voice of reason and he failed. “We should head home. Reb and I need to train for both of the big events tomorrow. And all of you will help, so you need to sleep this shit off.”
“I’m coming with you,” Archie mumbles.
The twins share a look and I hiss at them while Reb and Javi help each other up off of the silly cushions. “Fucking fine. Allthreeof you can sneak in once we get Rebel to bed, butkeep it quiet. And say nothing about my goddamned commands.”
Angelo just grins wickedly, blowing me a kiss before mouthing ‘as you wish, Princess’ at me.
What in the hell am I going to do with these boys?
There’s something weird going on.
Not only did I wake up with a raging Fae dust hangover, but I could have sworn I saw the twins’ wings for a half second before I cleared my eyes. I can’t say waking up with my head pillowed on Rogue’s tummy was terrible, but Angelo and Damon were there, too, and she didn’t seem surprised.
Wheels just yawned and ruffled my hair before wiggling her way out of the dude pile to head for the bathroom. I watched her go, nose twitching as I scented something familiar, but this blasted headache made it hard to focus for long. The twins headed for their room without a word and that’s fucking strange, too.
Maybe we all tripped the light fantastic, and it’s why I can’t make sense of anything.
“Arch! Pay attention!”
A flying right cross comes towards my face and I move before our girl clocks me into next week. “Shit, Wheels, you’re getting your speed back.”
She rolls her eyes. “We heal quickly and Florissa did her thing.Plus,I’m not the one still sweating out Fae dust and hookah smoke all over the gym.”
I give her a sheepish look, rubbing the back of my head. “You got me there. Reb was mad because you disappeared off the radar and when he saw Sariah in the pleasure pits, he went off book. Where did you go, anyway?”
“I…” Rogue pauses as if considering her words. “I met up with the Bombers, had a team meet, saw the twins, and flew off to get them off my case.”
I may not be the smartest guy in our group, but I’ve known Rebel long enough to spot when a Fae is constructing their version of a lie.
“Doesn’t sound very exciting, Wheels. You were gone a long ass time for just that shit.”
Her spin kickalmostlands, but I feint and she growls. “What can I say? I can’t be managed.”