Page 38 of Hell on Wheels
Hell yes, please.
“Javier Emil King, I’m going to fuck the living shit out of you,” Rogue murmurs as she does some clothing gymnastics to put my dick against her soaked pussy. “Hold on tight.”
When she sinks down on me, I almost lose it immediately. Between the succubus fog and her teasing, I’m struggling, but I won’t let go until she gives me permission. Her hips rock as she lifts and drops, bouncing hard enough to make her teeth rattle. My hands stay in place, gripped in fists at my sides as I fight the phoenix to keep it from bursting free. “Holy fuck, Dragonfly…”
“I can feel it, you know,” she gasps as I thrust upward to meet her. “Your fiery friend wants to play, and you’re keeping him caged.”
Blinking in shock, I nod wordlessly.
“Let him fly free, birdy. I can handle it.” Leaning forward as she rides me, she bites my earlobe and rubs the blade along my neck. “I enjoy playing with fire.”
Son of a bitch.
I close my eyes, allowing my phoenix to take over. Fire travels along my limbs, licking over both of us as she throws her head back and lets out a dark moan. This is insanely risky, but I can’t stop—everything about this girl is consuming me in both body and soul. A loud screech echoes in my head when I hit the peak, gritting my teeth to keep from coming before she tells me to.
A sharp sting at my collarbone makes me open my eyes and when I look over at the Fae riding my dick like a mechanical bull, she’s licking bloody lips. Our eyes meet and the phoenix cries out again in my mind. It wants to reciprocate, but that would mean…
Rogue grins with a mouthful of pointed Fae teeth. “This time, I was prepared for it. Burn with me as we come, birdy. I want you to.”
My arms lock around her immediately and I pull her down to place my lips just behind her pointed ear. As the fire brands her, I murmur softly to her. I never imagined I’d be doing this with Rogue Kelly, but the dark Gaelic she’s whispering in return tells me it’s real. Once the mark is sealed, I reach down to flick her clit as she rocks on me faster and harder. Her pleasure makes the fog almost suffocating, and within minutes, we’re both shouting as we orgasm.
Her sweaty brow and smug grin make my heart trip. “How did you…”
Spinning the blade in her palm, she shrugs. “I tripped over it the last three times. Why do you think I ordered a fairy cart? I had to loosen you up somehow.”
“Rogue Kelly, I think you took advantage of me!”
Throwing her head back, she cackles like a crazy woman. “I very specifically made you verbally consent multiple times, buddy. Cornerstone of our world and all.”
Our world.
“How do you suggest we clean up without everyone seeing the walk of shame?” I look down at where our bodies are joined with a sheepish grin.
“Oh! No problema!” She climbs off of me and adjusts her clothes, making another fire flicker inside of me. “I’ve picked up a few tricks, dirty birdy.”
With a flick of her wrist, a portal opens and I gape. “You owe me a shower and information.”
“All in good time, baby. Get your sweet ass in the portal and we’ll talk.”
I have a feeling this is going to be a good story.
Coming For You
Loud thumping at my bedroom door makes my head pound and I groan. I bury my face in a warm chest, shutting my eyes tightly because I know it’s training time, but the side effects of that blasted Fairy Cart are killing me.
“Why is this doorlocked? Where is everyone?Open up, Rogue!”
I shift as my stepbrother’s angry voice deepens with his frustration. “Come back with a warrant!”
Bodies shift around me and I smile to myself, snuggling into the warmth and bevy of tasty smelling skin. Thisalmostmakes up for the horrific thumping of brain gnomes caused by my massive Fae edible binge last night. I slide my leg over another and hum under my breath.
I coulddefinitelyget used to this.
“He’s not gonna stop,” groans Archie.
The twins lift their wings, letting a little light into our cozy bubble as they growl. “Like a dog with a bone.”
“There’s a bone somewhere. Lock it down, Angelo.”