Page 121 of Fire Dancer
Pippa and Abby booed. “Not fair!”
It was easy to picture the three of them huddled around a board game as kids, saying the same thing.
Greg intervened, as their aunt probably had once upon a time. “I think we can accommodate one extra.”
“I’d just love to see myself landing smoothly for a change,” Erin said. “I still bobble.”
“Just a little,” Nash reassured her.
A fiery dragon zoomed around the fire, then zipped past Claire, heading out into the desert. Everyone swiveled their heads, watching it glide to a perfect landing. A trail of embers tumbled in its wake, then slowly disappeared, along with the dragon.
“Bravo!” Mike patted Erin’s shoulder. “That’s my baby. Perfect!”
“Not yet.” She sighed. “But I am getting there.”
Pippa was next, fixing her father with a hazy look that indicated they were mentally communicating. Moments later, they both raised their hands.
One wolf, then another, gradually emerged from the heart of the fire. They cavorted around the edges, then reunited in the middle, brushing against each other. When they raised their muzzles to the sky, their howls were silent, but the snaps and crackles of the fire filled in nicely.
“So sweet,” Erin sighed.
Greg slowly let the image fade, then heaved a theatrical sigh. “Just three words: it’s about time you two got together.”
“That’s not three words, Dad,” Pippa pointed out, but her look was forgiving.
Claire started counting on her fingers.
Like Nash, I passed on my turn. There was nothing I could wish for that hadn’t already been covered.
Continuing clockwise around the bonfire would have put Abby next, but she mumbled something about finding the fixings for s’mores and excused herself quickly.
Pippa watched her go, then glanced at Erin. Their dads appeared equally concerned, and Greg looked like he might go after her. But Mike shook his head curtly.
“Let her be,” he murmured. “Nobody has to share if they don’t want to.”
A cloud drifted overhead, and a few seconds ticked by in awkward silence. Well, awkward for everyone except Claire, who was still counting.
“Your turn, Dad,” Pippa said.
Greg shook his head curtly. “Yours covered my wish perfectly. Although I would have added a few grandpups.”
Pippa rolled her eyes. “Dad…”
Personally, I was all for it. But it was probably better to save that conversation for a less public occasion.
“Which means it’s…” Mike drummed his fingers on Claire’s shoulders.
“My turn! My turn!” she cheered.
Greg leaned over, and she cupped her hands around his ear, whispering.
“Oh, good one,” he said, rubbing his hands. “Ready?”
“No, we have to wait for Mommy,” she said, hollering to Abby.
“Coming, coming,” Abby murmured, settling back down in her spot.
“Now we’re ready,” Claire announced, staring eagerly into the fire. Hell, we all did.