Page 24 of Poisoned Roses
“He’s alive, but incoherent. He is under sedation now because they are due to operate on him today.”
“Operate?” My voice trembles as he whispers in a broken voice edged with despair, “To amputate his legs.”
Despite my feelings for Leo, I would never wish that on him and the tears cascade in a torrent down my face as Rodion nods, too upset to speak. After a while, he gasps, “They couldn’t save them. Apparently, they were crushed beyond repair and his only hope is they can fit him with prosthetics in the future,but for now he is confined to a wheelchair and faces months of rehabilitation.”
“The driver?” I question, and he shakes his head.
“Never stopped.”
“But they can find him, or her even?” I ask, even though from the look on his face, I have my answer already.
“Apparently not. There were no cameras and only one eye witness who couldn’t make out the license plate, or even the color or type of car. It appears that nobody saw a thing, which means they get away with murder.”
“But I thought–” I don’t get to finish my sentence because Rodion howls, “They murdered his career, Tatiana. You know what that must feel like. To never dance again. To experience the euphoria dance gives you, the freedom of expression and the lightness to your soul. To live, breathe and dance to the music; become the emotion on the stage. They may as well have killed Leonardo because he will now be dead inside.”
My sobs accompany his words as the full horror of what happened to Leo hits me. My heart breaks for him despite his treatment of me. I know Leo would have raped me. It was evident from the hardened gleam in his eye and yet to lose his legs is Karma at its most deadly. Nobody deserves that for anything.
“Where’s Nadia?”
Rodion asks as he peers around the room as if she is hiding behind the rail or something.
“She hasn’t arrived.”
“What the hell is going on around here?”
His loud roar causes me to jump and my heart thumps as I say, “You don’t think she’s–” I don’t even want to say the words and Rodion slaps his fist on his forehead as he screams. “I can’t take anymore! Lyanka will attend to you and the moment she arrives, I want to see her in my office.”
He storms out and I shiver inside. It’s as if everything has changed in the space of twenty-four hours and not for the better.
It’s only as I prepare to change into my practise clothes that I remember the ring and the cold hand of dread claws at my nerves as I wonder if I will ever see Nadia or the ring again because something is telling me, I won’t.
It’s been a satisfying day. I put a block on my calls from anyone other than family and spent the day working through the many emails and messages I need to run my business effectively. It’s been extremely productive and as I change for dinner, I’m surprised to find that I’m looking forward to this evening, which isn’t like me.
I don’t entertain and I don’t socialize, but I am doing both tonight with an extremely attractive woman on my arm. She will be the perfect accessory for my business meeting because as always, business comes first and always will.
Suzannah informs me that Tia’s belongings have arrived safely and her apartment has been secured should she ever be heading back there. It’s doubtful because even if our marriage fails, as will undoubtedly happen, her payoff will mean she will be able to afford a penthouse or mansion should she desire.
I reward my staff well and that is how I see her. She is here for a reason, a very important one at that.
Divorce may never be an option or it may be the answer, but it’s my decision to make. It always is.
I have instructed Suzannah to liaise with the Kremlin in arranging our wedding. It will be a spectacular affair and the most desirable invitation in town. It will be a show nobody will forget in a hurry because it is required to feed the machine that will inevitably crush my family’s enemies.
I have no rage, no anger, and no desire for revenge. I am past all those emotions and what remains is a cold, hard promise. The men who killed my father and engineered his soulless life are about to lose theirs and there is nothing they can do about that.
I have planned my strategy like any general and am lining up my soldiers and it begins tonight.
I shower and dress accordingly in a black dinner suit with a black silk shirt and tie. My belt is handmade from the finest leather and my shoes are custom made in Italy. The watch on my wrist cost two hundred thousand American dollars and is one of only three in existence. I am a man of means and a man of resolve because our wealth has come at a huge price and I’m determined to make it count.
Once I splash some aftershave across my face and neck, I head to the formal living area where Suzannah has beeninstructed to direct Tia and as I wait, I hold a glass of vodka in my hand and stare into the flames of the fire roaring in the grate.
I like my comforts but am equally at home in a room with peeling paint and blood-soaked floors. It’s as if the flames dance around my black heart. I don’t feel the burn but relish the power.