Page 35 of Poisoned Roses
“I’m so happy to meet you at last, Tatiana.”
“Please, call me Tia.” I return her smile and she gazes at Titus with an approving smile.
“You are a lucky man, Titus.”
He nods, reaching across and taking my hand with a gentle smile, causing my heart to flutter.
“I am.”
Clarissa’s eyes widen and her smile fades a little and then she says quickly, “Anyway, as afriendof Titus–” She emphasizes the word and her meaning doesn’t escape me. “I would like to take you under my wing, Tia. Take you shopping perhaps, grab some lunch, become part of my world.”
Friends. I don’t possess friends. I never have because even the other ballerinas never wanted to be my friend. Nadia is the only one who did, and that was because we were forced to spend time together.
It means a lot. Despite the circumstances the offer was made in and I beam with delight. “I would love that, thank you.”
Titus says gruffly. “Perhaps it can begin today. I must attend a meeting in town and it would be helpful if the three of us went together and my car dropped you to the mall.”
He reaches inside his jacket and pulls out his credit card, and hands it to me with a sly wink.
“Clarissa will make certain you max this out.”
He turns to her. “Whatever she needs. You know the drill.”
Clarissa laughs softly. “Oh, honey, we are going to have so much fun today.”
I eat the amazing breakfast in a daze. Even the fact I’m here in this restaurant is unbelievable, but the company I keep is astonishing.
I don’t do anything like this and especially not on my rare days off. Tomorrow, I must head back to the Bolshoi and reality, but today is mine to live the dream and if Titus wants to be a part of that, then I’m up for it.
True to his word, he drops us at the designer mall with an order to spend an obscene amount of money and as the car heads off, I’m surprised when Clarissa locks arms with me.
“Well, days like this don’t come around very often, so let’s make the most of it.”
I find it strange that this is the first time in my life I’ve ever done this. I’ve never had the money to waste on shopping expeditions. I earn good money but nothing on this scale and most of what I purchase I order online. My entire life has been dance and if I’m not rehearsing, I’m practicing. It makes me a little sad to know I missed out on so much.
We head inside the mall and when I see the stores here, I’m guessing a panic attack is imminent because of the names on the front of them. Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton and many more. Clarissa obviously doesn’t share my concern because she heads straight for Dior.
“I love it here. Let’s choose you something pretty.”
I’m afraid to even step foot over the threshold. I don’t belong here. The assistants alone look superior to me and must be wondering why I’m here at all.
However, they appear excited when we walk inside and I note the shy smile of one of them as she whispers, “Miss Pavlov, we are honored.”
I rarely see anyone and it always surprises me that they know who I am. The fact my image has been blasted across the press since my ‘engagement’ may have something to do with it and then I remember the huge advertising campaign that is currently being rolled out for Hermes and as I glance out of the door at the shop opposite, my image is plastered in the window along with what I advertised.
Some may think I’m famous. I’m not. I have no agent and no inflated bank account. I am loaned out by the Bolshoi and they pocket the profits. I never realized how wrong that is until today. I see myself as a puppet, somebody used for another’s monetary gain, and I don’t like it.
“May we offer you some refreshment?” One of the assistants says with a smile, and Clarissa nods enthusiastically. “Champagne.”
I’m embarrassed because why ask for something so expensive when a glass of water would be kinder, but the assistant nods and smiles her appreciation as if it was water.
“Come, I was in here last week and there are some amazing cocktail dresses. I heard you were invited to Irina’s birthday bash on Thursday, so you simply must get the one I saw. Now, where is it?” She wrinkles her nose and proceeds to search the rails, but I’m too afraid to touch anything at all.
A smiling assistant hands me a glass of champagne and I perch on the fabric couch nervously, trying hard not to spill a drop as I sip the bubble-filled alcohol.
Clarissa obviously doesn’t share my reticence and heaps several dresses onto the arms of the assistants, and I watch in shock as she selects matching accessories.
“We’ll get the shoes from Jimmy Choo. He has an amazing pair that would offset any of these outfits. I’ve had my eye on them myself for weeks, but I must wait until next month when my allowance resets.”