Page 43 of Poisoned Roses
Why did I expect more from him? Why did I hope for more? I am just like Angeline and every other woman working for the government and I must face the fact I’m not special—not even close and here through fear and nothing else.
The absolutely last thing I wanted to do tonight was to dine with Fedorov, but I’m aware I must play the game to get closer to him. To them. My wedding has been orchestrated for this reason alone, but I am using it as a Trojan horse so I can avenge my father’s death and my mother’s descent into madness.
As soon as the women leave, he lowers his voice to a furtive whisper.
“The plan is working.”
“The plan?” I arch my brow. “I’m still working out what the plan is?”
He chuckles, shaking his head as if he holds the secret to life and leans a little closer.
“We build up your image, Titus. Paint you as Russia’s darling. The power couple who everyone envies and admires. When you marry, it will cause a media frenzy, helped along by the Kremlin press team. You and Tatiana will become Russian royalty and perfectly placed to run for office in next year’s election.
“For what aim?” I had kind of guessed this was his intention and he lowers his voice still further.
“We both understand it’s only a matter of time before our, shall we call it a problem, comes back to bite us. Denislav is showing no improvement, and his replacement is becoming cocky. He truly believes he is in charge now, which we all know isn’t and never was the case. My health is questionable and once I am gone, Russia will be an unsteady old woman on her knees. She needs a man she can trust. Someone who understands how the system works. A member of the original team by birth and one who will guide her into the next generation, upholding all the values vital to our survival as a nation. You are that man, and the only hurdle we must jump is your election.”
His grin is laced with evil. “Obviously, we will arrange it that you win, but it would help if it was believable.”
I’m aware that challenging or refusing his decision would be unwise. It wouldn’t get me anywhere and we both know it.
The fact it’s the last thing I want is inconsequential. He has decided I am the chosen one, and I’m expected to be grateful.
I picture the good men who are striving to change Russia who never get a chance. They are removed from the situation so the old values continue and I’m weary of it. I sense change and not for the reason Boris hopes for, and perhaps my revenge will also be Russia’s revenge.
I nod, my mind racing with possibilities, and Boris laughs softly. “I had every faith that you would rise to the challenge, Titus. You are like Andrei. He was strong, silent but reliable and always got the job done, irrespective of his personal agenda. I have gifted you the most pleasurable companion to sweeten the deal and you will make a fine figure to lead our great nation on the world stage.”
He raises his glass. “To the future of Russia.”
I echo his toast and as we celebrate, the women return to the table.
I say nothing and merely nod in Tia’s direction as I jump up to hold out her seat. I am cool for a very good reason. I am playing the game that Boris expects while hiding my trump card for the element of surprise.
I will make it up to Tia later, but this is too important. I must convince Boris that I’m on his side and when I attack, he will be firmly in hell before he even realizes he made the journey.
One hour later,Boris and his companion stand, signaling the end of the evening, and as they leave, I pity the poor woman who now has his undivided attention.
We make our way to my car and as Simeon holds the door open, he nods respectfully. He doesn’t play the chauffeur much, only when the situation dictates it and when dining with the head of state security, we must keep all our wits about us.
It’s not uncommon for a car left with a valet to return with a bomb placed firmly underneath it and my men are well rehearsed in searching for such devises. Food is another problem, and we provide staff to work in the kitchens of the places we eat to ensure the food is not tampered with.
My family takes no chances; they never have and we owe it all to our father who engineered the way we live our lives. Which is why the irony wasn’t lost on me when he was poisoned in his own home by the one person he should have trusted more than anyone.
My mother.
Her reasons were valid ones and only highlighted the reason why we must end this tyranny and free Russia from the chains that have been binding her for years.
The old establishment must fade into the history books, with the new one ensuring it never happens again.
Tia is quiet, then again she has been all evening and I’m guessing not through choice. She will have picked up on the vibe and has adjusted accordingly, which I admire. There is nothing I don’t admire about the woman and Boris was right. He gifted me the most pleasurable companion I could have wished for. I doubt I could have chosen better myself and I hate the way she was treated tonight.
“You’re quiet, malysh.” I state as the car heads off into the night and she says with a sigh.
“I hated every minute of that.”