Page 5 of Poisoned Roses
I am used to wealth, but nothing on this scale. The marble gleams, threaded with gold around us as we head into a palace the world rarely ever sees, to meet a man who prefers to stay out of the limelight.
Tatiana says nothing, and I briefly wonder what’s running through her mind. She must be scared. She should be. When the power that runs this country shines its light on you, there is nowhere else to go and you can only hope that light isn’textinguished before you get the chance to experience the rest of your life. It reminds me this is a game. A dangerous, deadly game, of cat and mouse and it’s up to me to make certain that the cat is me.
What the hell is happening? It’s as if I have fallen into a black hole and it’s choking me. I can’t breathe. Rodion’s words are playing on repeat in my mind.
‘Do not let the Bolshoi down.’
I fail to see what any of this has to do with the Bolshoi. When Mr. Romanov told me what is expected of me, I wanted to scream—to cry and to refuse. I did none of those things becauseit would have got me nowhere. I understand that at least, but if he thinks I’m going along with this, then he’s in for a shock.
I’m not a puppet. I’m not a fool either and I must plan my escape carefully because there is a man stalking me who may well be the one to catch me when I run.
A shiver of apprehension reminds me what’s at stake. I am surrounded by enemies, including the man beside me who gives nothing away. He isn’t pretending and appears to be as trapped as I am. Could we work together to stop this from happening? I’m guessing he is as unhappy about it as I am, but can I trust him?
Trust no one.
That has always been my motto and has served me well until now. It’s how I’ve risen to the position I’m in currently. I play the part, do as I’m told and accept that at this point in my life, I am controlled. But I see another life beckoning me closer over the horizon. We travel in the ballet and I like what I see in the countries that I have always been warned about.
To be free is to be the richest person alive, and that is my goal. To be rich in freedom and I won’t get that married to this robot.
So, I say nothing and observe. It’s always served me well in the past and as we walk toward the room where my destiny lies, I ignore the trappings of wealth and history that many would marvel at.
None of it interests me. My tastes are more basic—simple even. I crave a far off land bathed in sunlight with a small house set by an ocean. I want to experience the wind in my hair and the sand running through my toes. To hear the cry of freedom from the birds overhead and the power of the waves crashing to the shore. To surround myself with the beauty of nature that has nothing to prove and everything to teach us. It will notbe controlled, no matter how much man tries to dominate. It is a free spirit, an entity, and the most desirable phenomenon possible.
I will be free.
I will make sure of it, but for now I must play the game in order to win it.
Learn it, study it and excel at it and when the moment is right—end it.
As we reach the door, I’m shocked when Mr. Romanov reaches for my hand and whispers, “Play nicely, Tatiana, we are in love, remember.”
In love. I want to laugh out loud. With a man like him. Never!
As my hand rests in his, I resist the fear. At the moment these men are holding the winning cards and I would be foolish to throw my hand in so early, so I nod coolly.“What do I call you?”
“Titus.” He says simply, and I nod.
“Okay, let’s this get this charade over with.”
The door opens as if by magic and as we step inside the magnificent reception room, I am blinded by wealth. The floor alone is so polished it makes me fear for my health because one tumble on the slippery floor would end my career more effectively than Rodion can, so I grip my companion’s hand a little tighter.
Chandeliers sparkle overhead, reflected in the marble all around us, the walls intricately decorated with brilliance, designed to impress, seduce and draw the observer under its spell. To catch off-guard, disarm and lure into a world where the only choice is survival.
“Ah, the happy couple.”
Dozens of eyes swivel in our direction and, for a woman who is used to close scrutiny, it still unnerves me. On the stage, I am playing a part and I must adopt the same head space forthis. Here I am playing a fiancée. Somebody who should be the happiest they’ve ever been.
I am playing a fool.
A misguided, desperate fool but if that is what they want, I am happy to oblige.
I paste a false smile on my face and approach them with my mask set firmly in place. They will never see what’s happening inside my head because to let them in will lead to my destruction.