Page 19 of Raven's Daggers
“If you want to get past being chained up, I’m more than happy to help.” He smirks, but I know he's serious. She starts laughing, full belly laughing and damn if that isn’t my new favorite sound. Returning with our drinks, the waitress sets them down, I hand her some cash and she walks off.
“We will see about that, Casanova.” She smirks at Damien and we all laugh.
After about an hour of sitting around and talking, Raven says she’s going to text Naomi that we're heading out.
Getting out of the booth, she walks towards the bar, and we walk towards the exit and wait. I notice a man walking up behind her, stepping up beside her at the bar.
I can tell he's talking to her, but she goes rigid. I’m about to walk up there and grab her when she turns and walks our way, walking right past us and out the door.
Looking at Reyes and Damien, I give them a ‘what the fuck’ look and we follow behind her. Catching up to her in the parking lot, I grab her arm and turn her to face me.
“What the fuck was that? What did he say to you to make you so uncomfortable?” I question her, and she just shakes her head.
“Nothing, it was nothing.” She states, barely above a whisper. And I'm willing to call bullshit on that, but she pulls out of my grasp and walks towards her bike.
“How about you ride with them and I’ll drive your bike home? Just to be safe. I haven’t had as much to drink anyways.” I reallydon’t want her to drive at all. Her and Naomi were downing shots like candy so I know she’s probably too drunk to drive.
“Fine, that's fine. Just please be careful.” She grabs my hand and squeezes before sauntering off to Damiens car.
“Are either of you good to drive? For fuck’s sake if anything happens I will be the one to kill you both. Not to mention Eddie and Zeke will kill all of us.” Reyes laughs and Damien replies.
“I’m good man, I’ll make sure to get us there in one piece. Since we're closer to our place, want to just take her there? She can go home in the morning if she wants.” Thinking about it, that's a good point, Sirens is closer to our house than hers.
“Yeah actually, let's do that. See you guys at home.” Hopping on her bike and starting it, I kick up the stand and take off after Damien when he pulls out.
Chapter twelve
Riding in the passenger seat of Damien’s car and looking out the window deep in thought, all I can think about is that creepy guy that walked up to me.
“Hello Raven, what brings you down here tonight? Don’t you normally stay in Sirens with your friend? What's her name? Oh wait, Naomi, right?” I asked him how he knew me and my friend. His answer being he had noticed me for a while now. Then I questioned him on how he knew we were at Sirens. He gave me no answer for that one. Something about the way he talked to me, and then tried to touch me, had the hairs on the back of my neck standing and all the red flag alerts going off in my head.
Pulling me from my thoughts, Damien grabs my thigh and squeezes. Looking over at him, his face is riddled with concern.
“You all right Angel? You seem a little out of it.” He accuses, starting to rub small circles on the top of my leg. Something about the gesture is calming.
“Mmm, I guess so, I don’t know. Besides, where are we going? None of this looks familiar?” I ask, changing the subject. Reyes is the one that gives me a reply.
“We’re taking you to our place, it was closer than your house. Is that okay?” Turning around and looking at him, I start chuckling before I can respond. My only thought being, how in the hell did he fit in the backseat? He raises an eyebrow at me.
“Yes, that's fine. Whatever. My question is how did you get back there? You seem way too tall to fit back there.” Damien starts to chuckle with me and Reyes just rolls his eyes.
“Trust me, it’s not easy folding myself in and out of this damn car. One day we will start driving my truck. Fuck being squished in the backseat of a sports car.” He quips out, and I laugh again. Letting some of the tension roll off my shoulders, I grab Damien’s cord and plug my phone in. Scrolling through my music, I put onPayphonebyMaroon 5and roll my window down, Damien looks over at me and laughs, then rolls his down too. Holding my arm out the window, I start singing along, letting the cool night air clear my head.
Pulling up to their house, I notice it’s nothing like what I thought. It's a Craftsman-style cabin set back from the road. It has dark gray siding with black trim around the windows and a wood-colored tin roof. Skylight windows line the roof and I can’t even imagine the views from inside.Sheesh, this looks nice as fuck.Parking the car, Damien comes over and opens my door, helping me out. Pulling the seat up, he lets Reyes get out and I let out a loud laugh watching him struggle.
“Shut your mouth, Little Devil.” Reyes murmurs. Me and Damien just laugh harder as Luis pulls up and hops off the bike, walking over and looking at us like we’re crazy.
“What’s so funny?” Luis asks as he looks at the guys, then at me.
“Umm well, I’m laughing because Reyes just had to literally unfold himself to get out of the car. And it was way too fucking funny to watch.” Holding my hand over my mouth, I struggle to keep myself from laughing again. Luis starts chuckling with Damien when Reyes punches them both in the arm and walks up to the front door. I follow behind, taking in the space as we walk in.
We make our way through a small hallway that leads to the living room. I spot a black leather couch and go directly for it.
Sitting down, I look around, taking it all in, it’s actually way bigger than it looks from the outside, and I can tell they like black just as much as I do. The furniture is all dark leather, the accents are a dark green tone and hints of wood tie it all together. There are exposed wooden beams throughout, and it’s surprisingly well kept for there to be three men living here.
There looks to be an office through double doors next to the living room and then a short hallway, I’m assuming it leads to their bedrooms.Oh, I can only imagine what those look like.Laying my head back against the back of the couch, Luis walks up behind me. Standing over me, he leans over and asks,