Page 2 of Raven's Daggers
6 years later…
The alarm blaring in my ear wakes me up. I roll over to shut it off and drag myself out of bed.Ugh. Fucking Monday.Walking to the bathroom, I turn on the shower, waiting for the water to get hot as I brush my teeth. Once the steam bellows the room, I hop in and do my thing.
Finishing up, I grab a towel and dry off. Walking back into my room, I throw on some black ripped jeans and a tank top before I start to dry my hair. I tie my hair in a quick braid before adding some mascara and winged eyeliner to complete the look. My alarm goes off again letting me know I’m going to be late for my coffee date with my bestie before heading over to Orpheus.
Running down the stairs, I slip on my black Converse shoes and grab my keys from the counter. My phone rings and I see Naomi calling,
“Hey girl, what’s up?” I say down the line.
“You still wanna meet up for coffee before work?” she asks.
“Yeah, I’m about to walk out the door now. I’ll see you in ten.” I reply back to her.
“Okay girl. Love you, bye bitch.” She laughs before hanging up.
“Love you too babe.” I say as I walk out the front door, letting the Texas sun warm my skin.Getting in my black and purple Shelby GT500, I start her up, put it in gear and haul ass to the coffee shop. I’m not really a morning person, so I’m always in a rush to meet her for coffee.You’d think I would start getting up earlier, but I like what little sleep I can get.
Getting out, I walk to the door and immediately spot Naomi. Walking up to the counter, I put my coffee order in and go sit down at her table to wait.
“Long night?” She asks with an arched brow as she takes a sip of her coffee.
“As always, Eddie had me out late on a job.” I huff through a yawn.
“Sounds about right. Glad I work in the office and don’t have to be in the department you’re in. I just get to boss people around.” She chuckles. ‘Department’, like we work in a normal office environment.I chuckle with her, my mind traveling back to the day it all started,
Following Eddie into his office, he quickly shuts the door. The look on his face tells us this is a serious conversation that we’re about to have. Looking between the two of us, he locks his gaze on my face as he asks me to join his organization astheir assassin, and then shoots a look over to Naomi as he asks her to help him and his partner run things. I tell him that as long as it gets me away from this place, I’m down. Eddie says I’ll be helping them take down other men out there like Brock, and finding safe places for women and children to stay who go through what I have been through. This is how I become the Mafia's Assassin.
The barista setting my coffee on the table pulls me from the memory. Thanking her, I take a deep sip of the refreshing heavenly liquid, groaning at the taste.This is just what I needed to start my day. Nothing like a caramel iced coffee.
Naomi and I catch up from the weekend. While we see each other at work, it’s normally just in passing. I’m tasked to take out targets and other jobs Eddie has me run, while she works in the gym, helping with the less hands-on things. She mostly just gets to boss people around.I think that’s her favorite part of the job.I also race on weekends, or when I don’t have to make runs for him, which keeps things entertaining to say the least.
I love that I can make my own schedule for the most part. Naomi and Eddie are the only family I have left, or that I claim anyway. They might not be my blood family, but they have been there for me in every sense of the word.
Once we wrap up at the coffee shop, Naomi hops in her black and pink Dodge Challenger as I get in my car, racing each other to Orpheus.Obviously I beat her there.
Walking in, she goes to the office and I go to the floor for practice. The gym is huge. There are weights and treadmills, along with other equipment, on one side of the gym. In the middle, you’ve got a boxing ring and punching bags. Lastly, you’ve got a stack of mats on the other side. Eddie tries to makesure I’m always in shape and ready for anything that comes my way, especially since I mostly do my job alone.
Eddie’s tall, and built like a brick wall. He's also in his late forties and used to do underground boxing matches. He has sandy brown hair that matches Naomis, deep green eyes and has all kinds of tattoos on his ivory skin. He's already waiting for me as I walk up to the mats. Today he’s wearing his signature red workout shorts with a cut-off tank.
“Hey kid, are you ready to start the day? I’m not taking it easy on you this morning.” He says with a sly grin.Like he ever takes it easy on me anymore.
“I’m always ready, give me your worst old man.” I taunt, getting ready for whatever he has to throw at me.
He starts throwing daggers left and right, I duck, avoiding each one as they land on the mat that’s hanging on the wall behind me. Then he comes at me, throwing jabs and hooks, trying to catch me off guard. He falls low to try and take my legs out from under me. Close but not quite. He quickly moves behind me and puts me in a chokehold,
“Get me off you Raven, don’t let me take you down.” Grunting, I pull my arm in and elbow him in the side which makes his hold on me weaken giving me a chance to turn around and pin him down.
“Don’t worry old man, I was just letting you think you had me for a second.” I joke, getting up so he can stand.
We keep on with the rotation for an hour until he calls break-time. Clearly we both desperately need one. Going to grab us some water, I come sit next to him on the mat, still trying to catch my breath.
“I probably won’t have anything big for you until later in the week, is that okay?” He asks, turning to face me.
“Yeah, I can always catch more races and side jobs you want to throw my way. Besides, I need to get my bike to that shop you told me about for those upgrades.” I assure him in between drinks.
“Okay kiddo, just know whatever you need, I’m always here.” He states, as he wraps his arm around my shoulders for a hug.
“I know, uncle Eddie, I appreciate everything. Whatever you need, I’m just a call away too.” I laugh and hug him back.He’s definitely one of the few people I can actually rely on.