Page 29 of Raven's Daggers
Pulling myself from my thoughts, Sierra walks up to me.
“Hey girl, how have things been?” She questions with a smile on her face. Somehow this place always makes me feel better. Everyone seems to be happy and that’s all I could ask for anyone here.
“Better actually. I needed this today. It’s been a wild week.” I reply while pushing the swing again.
“Good, everyone has missed you. Especially the kids. We need another outdoor movie night. Apparently you bringing a shit ton of candy and popcorn made you their favorite.” She laughs, and I can’t help but laugh with her.
“Hey, I am easily everyone's favorite. With or without candy.” I joke, tossing my hair over my shoulder. We both start full on laughing.
“Raven, can we please do that again.” Blakelyn turns, giving me her sad puppy eyes over her shoulder. Who am I to say no to that?
“Sure kiddo, I will definitely work another movie night in.” She squeals and jumps off the swing coming over and hugging me. Squatting down in front of her, I hug her back.
“Okay, I have some more errands to run, but I’ll come back for that movie night. I promise. I’ll get with Sierra so we can set it up, okay?” She nods her head and takes off towards the other kids to play. My phone begins to ring and I pull it from my pocket. Seeing it’s Naomi, I quickly answer.
“Hey bitch, I was just about to head that way.” I say before she ever even says a word.
“Okay good, I’ll meet you at the old track then.” She replies.
“Sounds good, I’m just telling the kids and Sierra bye.”
“Tell them hey for me. Love you bye, be safe.”
“I will. Love you too.”I end the call and slide my phone back into my pocket.
“Naomi says hi, but I have to go. She wants more lessons on riding.” I say, rolling my eyes as I let out a low chuckle.
“Tell her I said hey back. Oh, make sure she comes when we get this movie night planned. I’ll see you next time.” She pulls me in for a hug and I wrap my arms around her.
“Take care of yourself, and let me know if y’all need anything here.” I state pulling away, she nods her head in return. Walking back towards my bike and getting on, I pull out of the gates.
Pulling up at the track, Naomi is waiting by her car. I pull up beside her and she hops on the back of my bike as I drive us down to the old blacktop.
“Okay, you ready?” I question as I switch places with her. God, why did I decide to let her practice on my bike? She nods as she gets comfortable on the seat, putting her helmet on.
“Fuck yes, and I know what you’re going to say, ‘don’t go past second gear’. I got this.” Slapping her visor closed, she lifts her foot and sets the bike in gear. I stand there watching in slight fear as she slowly takes off.For fucks sake this has me all kinds of nervous.My phone vibrates in my pocket and I hesitate taking my eyes off of her before taking it out to see the guys texting in the group chat.
Reyes: Hey Baby Girl, what are your plans today?
Luis: I’m curious as well, we haven’t seen you all week Princess.
Damien: I bet she’s too busy for us.
Fucking idiots. All of them. I look up at the track at Naomi. Damn, she does catch on fast. Looking back down I type out my reply.
Me: First off, I’m at the track giving Naomi lessons. Secondly, y’all are the ones who have been just as busy as me. Phone works both ways. ??
Reyes: Well I’m not busy now, so I’ll see you in 5.
Luis: Ugh of course you aren't, I’m the one actually working. I’ll see you tonight Bella Ragazza?
Me: Sure. I mean I will be at my own house. If Naomi doesn’t kidnap me from y’all first.
Damien: No one gets to kidnap you but me Angel. I’m caught up at the moment too, but I’ll see you tonight. Mines not a question because I will. I don’t care if I have to hunt you down and find you. ??
Me: Ha whatever! I gotta go. She won’t learn on her own.
Putting my phone back in my pocket, I feel it continue to go off. Looking up, I see Naomi starting to pull up to me.