Page 31 of Raven's Daggers
“Did you bring me out here to kill me or to throw a mask on and chase me? Because this could either be kind of creepy or hot as fuck out here. Not to mention it’s almost dark.” She questions, both sass and a hint of concern laced in her tone.
“No, I definitely didn’t bring you out here to kill you. For fucks sake Raven.” I laugh, this girl is always on high alert.
“Well, can never be too careful.” She shrugs like this is just a normal thing for her. I can’t help but laugh with her. There’s just enough daylight left so we can see where we’re walking. I know this place like the back of my hand, so the dark doesn’t bother me, but she doesn’t and I want her to see where she’s going.
Walking through the trees, the light shines through and I take it all in, from the glistening water of the lake, the frogs croaking, to the crickets chirping. Looking over at Raven, her face is in awe and that look is one I want to see on her face often.God, she’s so fucking beautiful.Linking her hand in mine, I walk us closer to the water's edge.
“So what’s this big secret?” She steps up next to me and raises a brow.
“Don’t worry, you’ll learn soon enough, but this one you’ll have to earn.” I retort with a sly grin.
“Oh yeah? And how do I do that?” She gives a cocky grin as she tilts her head towards me.
“By getting on your knees baby girl. For every inch of my cock you take down that pretty throat, I’ll give you a letter to my real name.” I arch a brow as I hold her gaze and her eyes widen.
“Reyes isn’t your real name? What the fuck?” She shouts out.
“I mean, it is, it’s just my last name. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of time for that story later. Now, on your knees, Little Devil.” I command. She stands there hesitating for a second until she rolls her eyes and slowly sinks to her knees. Unbuttoning my jeans, she starts sliding them and my boxers down. She brings her hands back to my hips and slowly starts running her nails down my thighs before roughly grabbing the base of my cock. Growling as I watch her, she brings her face closer, sticking her tongue out and flattening it as she runs her tongue along the tip. And fuck me, I already know I won’t last with her teasing.
Taking the first inch into her mouth, I groan out the first letter, “A.”
Sliding her mouth down my cock some more, I growl, “L-E-J,” as she takes the next three inches down her tight throat. Pulling all the way off, she looks up at me through hooded eyes, and I narrow my eyes, a smirk pulling at my lips when I notice she’s rubbing her thighs together.
“You want to cum, baby girl?” I spit cockily, her eyes are so full of lust and hunger.
“Yes.” Is all she says before sliding her tongue over my piercings.
“Mmm. Sorry Little Devil, you’ll have to wait until we get back. You don’t get to cum yet.” She groans against my length, sliding her teeth along the side of it and all the way to the tip. Her lips kiss my tip before she opens her mouth again,
“A-N,” I growl through gritted teeth as she takes two more inches of me down.
She swallows around my cock as she continues, taking the last three inches down. “D-R-O.” I growl out, hearing her hum when her lips hit the last bit of me.
As soon as she stops, I wrap my hands in her hair, holding her down on all nine inches of me. Gagging around me, I pull her off with a pop, barely giving her a second to breath before I thrust all the way to the back of her throat again. Not letting up on my abuse to her throat, I thrust in and out until that familiar tingle runs up my spine and my balls tighten. Looking down at her, she has tears falling from her eyes, her black mascara making her tears look fucking beautiful. Fuck me, watching my girl choke on my cock is now the sexiest thing I could ever see. Using my thumb, I swipe my fingers through it, smearing it down her face some more.
“Fuck, Little Devil, your throat is so fucking tight.” I groan, biting my bottom lip. Her black mascara continues to run down her face as she hums around my length. Gripping her hair tighter in my fist, I hold her down until I hear her gag again.
“I’m about to cum, and you’re going to swallow it all.” I command, throwing my head back as she swallows around me. Releasing down her throat, I moan out her name while I continue thrusting slowly in and out of her mouth.Her dicksucking game is on fucking point.Pulling her off me with a pop, her eyes snap to mine and she licks her lips.
“So, Alejandro Reyes huh?” She sits back on her heels, her tone full of sass. Pulling my jeans back in place and buttoning them, I look at her makeup smeared face, admiring her beauty before I reach my hand out to help her up.
“Yeah, I couldn't use my real name for certain purposes with this business.” I inform her and she just nods.
“Makes sense. I always wondered why you had a last name for a first and here's my answer. If Reyes is your last name, then why is the shop called Delgados?” She puts a hand on her hip and lifts an eyebrow.
“The name is just a front, this way our actual names aren’t tied to it.” She lets out a low ‘hum’ sound.
“That’s actually pretty smart. Look at y’all using those big brains. I’m just glad to know y’all are more than just your big dicks.” She laughs. Reaching out and trying to grab her, she moves just as my hand grabs air and runs back towards where we parked.
“I’ll get you for that comment Baby Girl, don’t you worry.” Laughing, I take off after her. Getting closer to the bikes and looking around, I don’t see her anywhere near them. Calling out for her, I get no reply.
After a few minutes, I hear a branch snap nearby. Knowing it’s her and not looking that way, she comes running out and jumps on my back. She catches me off guard and we both almost eat shit. She wraps her legs around my waist and hooks her arms around my neck. Carrying her piggy-back style the rest of the way to the bikes, I set her down in front of hers.
“Alright, time to get back. Between my brothers and Naomi, we will both get an ear full for taking so long.” I let out a low chuckle.
“Race you back?” She asks like I’m not always up for that challenge.
“I’ll race you any day, baby.” I reply, giving her a quick kiss before she shoves her helmet on. Running to my bike and putting my helmet on too, I start it up and take off at the same time she does. Once we get back on the interstate, we run wide open. I can hear her giggling through the speaker and I can’t help but glance her way for a split second.This feeling, whatever it is, I’m glad it’s with her. Fuck… do I love her? I think I do. I think I’ve known it since she held her knife to my dick.