Page 9 of Raven's Daggers
Luis: There is no assumption. I could have asked, but would you have given it to me without all the attitude? ?? Didn’t think so. Well, if Eddie doesn’t have plans for you, come hangout at the shop tomorrow before your race.
Me: Sure, I’ll come hangout… if I’m not too busy.
Closing my texts out, I plug my phone in, roll over and drift off to a dreamless sleep.
Chapter five
Waking up the next morning and rolling over, I grab my phone and see a text from Reyes.
Reyes: Morning, heard I’ll be seeing you later?
Me: Yeah, after I get done at Orpheus. Morning to you too.
Reyes: Well, I’ll be waiting ??
Me: I’m sure you will be ??
Closing the text thread and setting my phone down, I roll out of bed, throwing on some purple workout shorts, and a blacktank. Finishing up getting ready, I hop in my car and head to the gym.
Pulling up to Orpheus, I go through my training routine with Eddie. A couple of hours later, we’re done, and I'm a sweating mess. He lets me know he has a job for me Saturday night. He managed to get his hands on someone coming through town who apparently works with some traffickers we’re trying to take down. Knowing my feelings on this subject, he wanted to give me a heads up before anyone else was privy to this information. I told him to just text me the details and I’ll be ready. Going to the back where the showers and lockers are, I grab a quick shower, change clothes, and head out to my car. Typing a quick text to Luis to make sure they are still at the shop.
Me: I’m done at the gym, I’ll be there in thirty minutes.
Luis: See you in a few. I have someone here you need to meet.
Rolling my eyes, I close the thread, put my phone down and head towards the interstate.
Pulling into the shop thirty minutes later, I park my car and get out. My phone rings as soon as my feet hit the pavement. Pulling my phone out, I look and see Naomi is calling.
“Hey bitch, what’s up?” I ask.
“Where did you go?You were here for a few hours, then boom, you left.”
“Luis and Reyes asked me to come to the shop if I got done before my race. I just pulled up here.”
“Okay, I just wanted to check on you. See you at the race tonight then, bye! Oh, and don’t have too much fun.” She laughs on the other end.
“See you later, I’m sure I won’t.” I chuckle as I hang up.
As I start to walk inside, Reyes meets me in front of the shop.
“So, I get to see you two days in a row? Is it me that can’t stay away or you?” He continues to close the distance between us.
“Just admit it. I know you’re obsessed with me.” I sass, raising a brow as I place my hand on his chest to stop his movements. Grabbing my hand, he pulls me in closer.
“Oh, Little Devil, I am not obsessed. Yet. Come on, we have someone who we want to introduce you to.” He grins, walking us inside.
Inside the shop, I spot Luis standing by someone I haven’t seen before. Reyes walks us over to them. Pulling out of his grasp, I eye the new guy.Did I mention I am not a people person? For fucks sake.
“Raven, this is Damien, the friend I told you about that owns Osiris Car Shop. We wanted to introduce you to one another before the race tonight, seeing as you’ll be racing each other.” Giving him a questioning look, I turn to look at Damien. He’s just as sexy as they are.How are they all so tall?He has bright, emerald green eyes. His dirty blonde hair is thrown in a small messy bun on top of his head and has just as many tattoos as the others, if not more, that cover his olive-tone skin.Fuck me, did God make them his favorites or what?Pulling myself from my own thoughts, I meet his stare.
“Hey, yeah they told me about you. Reyes said you have a shop if I need anything done to my car.” The sass is obvious in my voice. He glares at me, then gives me a mischievous grin.
“I’ve definitely heard about you, Raven.” He practically growls my name as he continues, “And I have to say, you are nothing like they explained. They weren’t lying about the attitude, but you are definitely prettier in person.” He raises an eyebrow at me. Crossing my hands over my chest, I snap back.
“Oh, so they told you about me, huh? Guess I’ll have to make sure to live up to my fiery attitude.” He chuckles,