Page 76 of The Quirky Vet
"So, guys, I have an idea," I whisper conspiratorially even though Fitz is in the operating theatre.
"Let me guess who it could possibly be about," Wilby says, looking up from his phone with a smirk.
"Fuck you, and yes, it's about Fitz," I reply, and he, Linus, and Ryde laugh.
We're hanging out in the staff lounge.
It's been three weeks since the Brissie trip where we changed our relationship status from best friends to boyfriends-ish. We filled the guys in about it and to say they were elated would be a severe understatement. Even when we made a point of telling them we're taking it slow and letting things happen naturally, it couldn't tame their excitement.
"Fitz's birthday is coming up in a few weeks, and this year, I'm planning a surprise party."
Linus stops blowing across the cup of tea he just made. "ButFitz never celebrates his birthday," he says, his voice tinged with understanding, fully aware of why Fitz never marks the day.
"Why not?" Ryde asks.
Linus looks at me and gives a nod. "You tell him."
"Okay. Well… Fitz had a twin brother, Lleyton. He died when they were ten, and ever since, Fitz's birthday has never been a happy occasion for him."
"Oh, shit," Ryde says solemnly. "I had no idea. That makes total sense."
"So what's changed this year?" Wilby asks.
"A few things," I say. "One, he's turning thirty, which is a pretty big deal. Two, for the past few birthdays, we've started having small family dinners, so I think he's warming to the idea of commemorating the day somehow. And three, I've spoken to his parents about what I have in mind, and they love it."
"And what do you have in mind?" Linus asks, his tone sceptical. I can't blame him. My idea is not without risks.
"I want to throw him a surprisebest ofbirthday party."
"What's abest ofbirthday party?" Ryde asks.
"Well, Fitz basically stopped celebrating his birthday when he was ten years old. So I want him to have what he missed out on in the following years. You know, things like water-balloon fights, Nerf battles, a treasure hunt, karaoke, a cheesy photo booth. All of it."
"You had me at karaoke," Wilby quips.
"When is it?" Ryde asks.
"June 21st, which also happens to be the winter solstice. It'll be at my place. Bring friends. Partners." I look between Linus and Ryde for a moment. "Sons of friends. Current employers." They flip me off in unison. "I'll do a big barbie, and I'll get Mrs. Mangle onto the cake. If you guys just want to bring whatever you're drinking, we should be set."
I glance over to Linus who looks like he still has reservations.
"You know what they say about good intentions," he says.
"It'll be fine," I assure him. "And if Fitz isn't feeling it for whatever reason, I'll politely ask everyone to bugger off."
"Count me in," Wilby says.
Ryde waves his hand. "Me, too."
Which only leaves…
"Yeah, of course I'll be there." Linus sighs. "I just hope for your sake it goes as well as you're thinking it will."
It will.
I really want to make this work. I hate what happened to Lleyton. It's a fucking tragedy, and something no family, no brother, should ever have to go through. So I completely understand why Fitz hates his birthday, it serves as a reminder of the most painful, gut-wrenching thing he's ever gone through.