Page 10 of Ancient Rising
She followed the drone as it descended level after level.Harwin wished she could have spent time memorizing the carvings and paintings, but she kept herself behind the drone as they wound down the pyramid via a wide staircase carved in gleaming stone.
When the drone levelled out, she was surprised.They walked through chambers illuminated with light, but she had no idea where the source was.The drone paused and turned to look at her.She quickly followed it.
She heard voices and moved toward them.She emerged behind a throne and moved around it to see her team with tables and artifacts and their data recorders working feverishly.She cleared her throat.“Hey, guys.”
Heads turned toward her, and she walked slowly down the steps leading from the throne.
Sossos ran up to her and said, “Harwin.He said you were alive, but there was so much blood.”
She held up her fist, and he bumped his into it.He remembered that, at least.“I took a bit of damage, well, a lot of damage, but here I am.”
The professor stared at her.“How did you stop a shuttle?”
The professor was startled into smiling, and then, his gaze moved behind her, and the smile faded.She wouldn’t have called it terrified, but respectfully wary was close.
“Human, you have taken your time recovering.”
She turned and tried not to look shocked.The only Hmrain she had seen that was close to this guy was Kethen, but the grooves in Kethen’s skin were a complicated maze of designs.Ra had graceful swirls and curves all over him.He was also gold from head to toe, including his wings.Thick lines of black around his black eyes made startling points of attention on his features.
She crossed her arms and bowed from the waist.“Overseer.”She held the bow until he touched her shoulder.She straightened and didn’t make eye contact again.
“Hmm.You have learned how to behave appropriately, handmaid.”
She kept her gaze averted.“Station training and follow-up trainings.”
“Interesting.Well, the livery of my handmaid suits you.”
“About that.I am not a handmaid.I am a free woman.Handmaids were indentured or owned as far as I know.”
He chuckled.“They were.I have spoken with the professor, and he has agreed to hand over the time remaining on your guard contract.You will be at my side until the team leaves Aten.”
“Why?You do not need a handmaid or anything else.Your world is empty, and no traders are allowed.”
He tapped her chin and lifted her head.“I require a handmaid to help me navigate this time as I have been out of circulation for a number of years.”
She kept her eyes lowered.
“Look at me.”
She flicked her gaze to his, saw the stars in the black-gold eyes, and looked away.
“Eyes back to mine until I say otherwise.”
She grimaced, which made him laugh, but she stared into his eyes.The pressure on her mind followed immediately.Harwin deflected the contact away from her memories, and the eyes she was staring into widened.
“Clever little handmaid.”
“Not little.”She continued staring at him.“Above my species standard.”
“Yes, your people used to be smaller.”He kept two fingers under her chin, and he tried again.“Harwin, let me in.”
She gathered her more detailed memories in a safe space and let him see the rest.His molten-gold touch was warm, and it heated her skin, made her toes curl, and had her nipples hard against the beads covering them.She had heard about the effect of the Hmrain from their partners, but this was her first time being close to one that didn’t already have a mate.It was overwhelming, and she had to focus to keep herself together.
She shallowly breathed because he smelled like honey and sunlight.
“Your mind is arranged in an interesting manner.What is this?”