Page 19 of Ancient Rising
“Would you like a tour of my private study?”
“This?This is your study?”The garden, river, and private sun made her think of a beautifully lazy day at home.It even smelled like Earth.
“It is.I found your people soothing and knew I would miss the surroundings when I left, so I brought samples home and recreated it.It reminds me of those I left behind.”
“Why were you so attached to them?”She had to know.
“They made me feel.They were bright and happy and planning for futures that they couldn’t imagine yet.”He smiled.“I made this place to remind me of them, and it seems to settle you as well.”
“I went to Egypt once.I saw the pyramids, the Nile, the endless sand.”She smiled and looked around.“No hippos or crocodiles, though.”
“No.I did not consider it wise to bring them here.”He stroked her back.“Did you like the pyramids?”
“Yes.I am several generations removed, but there was a grandmother on my mother’s side who was swept into the arms of a traveller and ended up in Europe.”
“You will show me where these places used to be?”
“Of course.So, are we going for that walk?”
He nodded and stood.She slid to her feet as he surged upright and waited.She couldn’t see a particular path through the grass, so she waited for him to make a move.
Ra ruffled his wings slightly and walked toward the water, gesturing for her to follow him.
She moved in behind him, but his wing scooped out and around her, pushing her up against him.“Remain with me, Harwin.”
She kept step with him as best she could while she processed what she had just agreed to and what she would get in return.
She had a budget to offer a home to humans, and she knew just who she wanted to offer a place on Aten to.More women than men had survived, and some needed more education and training than the station had been willing to offer.
Harwin looked around and felt a curl of hope in her chest.The echoes of home were everywhere.The food was familiar, and he had given her permission to bring in as many humans as her bond price would allow.That was a lot of humans.She sat at her tablet and scrolled through the list of people she was choosing to offer a position to.
The colonists were free for her, but she wanted them educated and trained in whatever ways they wanted.She had an idea that she had to run past Ra, but she wasn’t sure how he would appreciate a women’s shelter on his world.She had a plan for the ladies and children but hadn’t signed the contract yet.
She put in her search criteria and watched the names of available humans scroll up.They couldn’t be mated to a human, couldn’t be mated to a Hmrain, and they had to be willing to leave their post.The bond auction would contact the people she had on the list, and if they wanted to relocate, they could.Next, she had to get places to put them, but Ra had said something about waking Aten.She didn’t know what that would entail.
“Yes, Overlord?”
“Come with me.There is a change of clothing waiting for you, and our contract is ready.”
She nodded and got up, carrying her tablet.“I have located about twenty thousand humans who are likely candidates.”
“Good.The Grand Vizier has been appointed and will be here in a few days.”
“Oh.Is that good?”
“Yes, it means I can assist you in settling your people.”
“First, we will get you more comfortable then sign the contracts, and after that, I am going to show you part of the world as it wakes.”
“Wow.So soon.”
He smiled.“I have waited long enough.”
She blinked.“Right.So, clothing?”