Page 25 of Ancient Rising
He lifted her off him, held her close, and stood up.“A nice traditional bath will be nice.I have not been able to soak with anyone since I left your world.”
She sighed and chuckled.“It feels like a stereotype to want a nap.”
“If I weren’t Hmrain, I would join you, but I have to negotiate with some other bond centres today.I wish to get you more of the free females and those mated to folk who exist on Hmrain domains.”
She smiled and leaned her head against him.There were some darker marks on his arms, and when she looked at her hand, she realized it was nail marks.She had clawed the hell out of him.“Sorry for the claw marks.”
He chuckled.“I have thick skin, and yours will adapt as well.”
She sighed.
The room that opened was fragrant and humid.He stepped into the pool-sized bath that had flower petals floating on the surface along with the shimmer of oils.
“Your bots must be exhausted.”
He chuckled.“They regenerate.They are repaired every day.They also clean all inactive biologicals.The blood from the pirate and his body are now being recycled into textiles at the molecular level.”
“Oh.So, like the dress I was wearing?”
“It saves materials in harsh environments, but it is very easy to mutate for those who would use it for ill.I don’t delude myself that I can craft a program so adaptive that I can keep intruders out indefinitely.”
“Maybe some of the new citizens will be able to come up with a concept that will work around it.They are clever.Many are extremely clever.”
“I look forward to meeting with them.They sound like education has been good for your people.”
“It doubled the workforce with the same number of jobs.It made either being a parent or not was vilified by factions.”
“It sounds complicated.”
“It was.”She rubbed her forehead.“And so tiring.”
“Parents no longer choose the partner?”
“Not in most societies.The children on my continent are expected to join the adult world at eighteen and live on their own.It was a way to fill the empty spaces that had been created when the original peoples had been confined to small areas.Plant a house and claim some land.”She sighed.
“That is a change.”
“We would find new homes hundreds of miles away from our original birthplace, and we had to start over again.Have a bad relationship, move and start again.It has created a very tense society.Others in the world are far calmer.”
“I see.Well, this is a new society, and it will be arranged to my specification.”
“Beginnings always work well.”
“I will monitor things so that the society develops evenly.There are resources and options available, and males are not a necessary accessory, nor are females.”He stroked her back.“First, we will make them secure and stable, and then, their education begins.”
“Education?”She yawned.
“Education, evolution.Call it what you like.The humans who are coming to Aten are survivors, and they are going to be given every opportunity to become whatever they like.”Ra paused.“There are some experimental subjects on your list.”
“Yeah.They were considered subpar when it came to matching intelligence or emotional understanding or both.They weren’t bonded out; they were sold outright to find out what the modern human could withstand.”
“The offer was accepted, and they are on their way.”
Harwin felt tears leaving her eyes.“Thank you.They deserve to live their life in dignity.”