Page 29 of Ancient Rising
“Why don’t you ask them?”
“Why don’t you put me down?”She poked a finger to his chest.
He laughed.“They will have to get used to this.”He settled her on her feet.
She snorted and turned to the ladies.“Which ones of you feel like shit?”
Seven hands went up.
“Overlord, how many restoration units do you have?”
“All powered up?”
“Where are they?”
“Level five.”
She looked at them.“Everyone, follow me.If there is anyone who is feeling poorly and can’t work the stairs, sing out.I will carry you.”
The dark blue woman smiled and said, “I will bring up the rear.”
The women chuckled, and Harwin began to walk into the temple.“This is an archaeology team, and they are investigating the past and just asking Ra directly, frankly.Team, these are the first citizens of Aten.”
The professor jumped up.“Your species has an array of shades.”
“Not normally.At home, we can range from pale cream to blue-black but all just with the same naturally occurring pigment.”
“What about the metallic in your skin?”Sossos asked.
She looked at him and shook her head.“That is due to Ra, and you know it.”
He grinned.“I may have suspected.The confirmation will go into the archives.”
“What archives?”
“You are the first and only queen of Aten.You have already made history, Queen Harwin.”
She paused and smiled.“Thanks, Sossos.We have to get to level five.See you later.”
She led her parade down to the tech levels.“Those who feel worst go first.Trust me, the units are going to be set for humans.”
The women chuckled, and the exhausted ones stripped and settled next to the units.Harwin programmed the unit, got the bots to confirm it, and the first woman closed her eyes as light sedation kicked in.
The life signs were strong, and Harwin smiled.“She’s good.Next?”
The next woman was already naked, and Harwin lifted her to settle her pale pink body into the unit.The voice was a thready whisper as she said, “Thanks for being nice, Your Majesty.We were terrified you wouldn’t be nice.”
“Well, I just got laid, so I am in a good mood.”
The pink woman laughed in surprise as she settled in.Harwin set up her unit and checked the diagnostics, wincing.The number that was scrolling up was forty-one.
One of the others asked, “What does that mean?”
Harwin watched the bots confirm her process, and the woman relaxed as the machine did what it was supposed to.