Page 34 of Ancient Rising
She felt a little uncomfortable and looked down to see her clothing pulled aside to expose her breasts, and the skirt was up past her waist.
“You were in a hurry.”
He snorted and slipped his claws beneath her clothing and between her skin and fabric.He pulled down, and the fabric shredded.“There.Better?”
She sighed.“Yes.I don’t like being constrained by anything but you.”
He laughed and pulled her in close.“That is what I enjoy most about you, my queen.You have no fear.It is gratifying.”
“Thanks.It came with trying to scream my way out of that repair unit.After that agony, when I could feel every cell in my body, there wasn’t much left to fear.You obviously didn’t want to injure me, so any pain I do feel is short-lived.And weirdly, none today.”
He smiled and stroked her back as he settled them on the bed, facing her.His hand on her hips kept them attached, but she felt very squishy where they connected.
“So, is there a reason you are still inside me and why things are different?”
“Ah, you mean the sudden contribution from myself?”
“Yes, I thought my belly was going to expand.”
He chuckled.“Eventually, when you and I can act in unison, that will be the result.Until then, continue this practice.”
“We have been granted an ideal match; it would be a shame not to see what it could produce.”
“Are Hmrain babies huge?”
“They take after their mothers, whether their female parent is Hmrain or not.”He stroked her back.“The idea is to keep the gestation parent alive so that there is an option to try for additional offspring.”
“I thought your primary concern was being fed?”she mumbled against his chest.
He laughed.“You took care of that some time ago.Now I am looking for the next development.”
“Wow.You move fast for a guy your age.”
He eased her to her back and covered her completely.Things got uncomfortable before he settled against her, keeping his weight on his arms and wings.He started moving, and she brought her legs up on either side of his hips.The depth was strange, but it wasn’t painful and became exciting after not too long.She smiled when she realized that she was facing his collarbone.Normally, he contorted a little, but today, he was all stretched out and completely surrounded her.She felt heat building, and then, her body frantically clenched around him, but she wasn’t sure that he could even feel it.He kept moving, and her body got frantic.It was partially irritation and partially panic.Her body was burning, and the heat built again until she clawed at him and screamed.Fire wrapped around every cell, and the pressure inside her became undeniable as he shouted and his thrusts slowed.
Her ears rang with the sound he made, and she realized her scream was probably no better for him.He bent and kissed her then held her and rolled to his back.
She tried to wiggle, but he kept his hand on her hips.He chuckled.“Stay where you are for a little.”
“Because if your body isn’t absorbing my semen, then you are complete, and now, we can see when and if your body will carry a piece of mine.”
“I stopped absorbing all of it a few times ago.”
“Yes, but now, you smell different.I remember the scent of receptive humans and had thought it would be far longer before I experienced it again.”
She slowly sat up, straddling him with him butting against her cervix.She didn’t feel the pain she had experienced in the past and wondered where her uterus had ended up.She really needed to learn how to read med scans.
“I thought you didn’t take any of the handmaids to your bed.”
“I didn’t.But your species does become receptive frequently.It was hard not to notice.It was probably why the station headed for your world in the hopes that your species was still there.”
“Did they?It took them nearly two years.”
“Moving a space station isn’t quick.”