Page 37 of Ancient Rising
“And he has a similar adaptation to hers?”
“With a Hmrain element.”
He laughed.“The designers were varied in their creations.”
The two men walked from the shuttle to the walkway in front of the pyramid.
They were definitely male in silhouette.
When they were ten feet from Ra, they both went down on one knee.The man in the hood said, “Ancient Ra, we thank you for considering us and contacting us.”
“Den, Vanek, please rise.This is my queen, Harwin.She is of the same species as the ladies in question.”
Harwin watched the men raise their heads, and she blinked at the feline features of the blue-striped man.This was different from Yasku.This was intense.The blue was navy and cobalt.It was the same skin tone that Addy was darkening toward.
The other man was blue, but he was a pale silvery blue with a wave of white hair, just like Lucinda.
“How long did you look for matches, Ra?”
The men both stared at her, and she sighed and looked at her partner.“Overlord Ra.”
He laughed.“When they arrived and the diagnostics began.The lab tried mutations on your people without a full mapping of their brains.They used samples from species that had been involved with the Hmrain for thousands of years and used those.The ladies aren’t just remade; they are primals.They carry the power of lost generations in them.”
“Just as you, they have been remade.Other worlds will carry your people and continue your bloodlines, but the Hmrain has taken a select few, and others are now recovered from the blending and are something completely new.”
The two men looked at her and said, “You are looking well, Your Majesty.”
She inclined her head carefully.“Thank you.Please rise and be welcome.”
They got to their feet.
Ra nodded.“There is a meal prepared and guest quarters available.”
Vanek nodded.“Thank you, Ancient Ra.Is there a place I may recharge?I also have a cool suit for the female.”
Ra turned.“Addy, will you show Lord Vanek to the freezer where your companion resides?”
Harwin turned carefully and looked behind her.Addy was leaning around the corner, and her face was screwed up in a wince.“Of course, Overlord Ra.”
She stepped forward, and Harwin literally saw Den straighten and tense.Addy walked toward them, and Vanek smiled slightly, his suit obviously thick and containing some kind of cooling system.“This way, Lord Vanek.I am guessing that the coolant you need is the same stuff that keeps the freezer running.Lucinda will be pissed.She’s got everything set to her preferences.”
Harwin smiled as Den tensed.
Ra said, “Let’s show you to your quarters.The primals will join us for a meal.”
Harwin smiled as they walked back into the pyramid.Well, he walked; she floated.
Lord Den asked, “Your Majesty?”
“Yes, Lord Den?”
“Are you floating?”