Page 14 of Ice Princess
The ice princess facade broke and a single tear slides down her face. Maggie had a husband a three-year-old daughter. She wished that they could trade places. Raven didn’t really have anyone to miss her, not a husband or a child.
“Of course, I will come by. The three of us can watch frozen and eat junior mints.”
Maggie laughs, the sound more of a gargle than a laugh. She coughs and blood runs down her face.
“Do you think there is a heaven? Somewhere I can go to look down on Tom and Lilyann?”
“Of course, but you are not going there you just need to hold on Maggie. The new serum isn’t a cure, but it should help you fight this better. I am sorry Maggie, you didn’t deserve this.”
“You do me one favor, Raven.”
“What is that?”
“You find happiness. Quit living for the job and find someone to love. Also find a cure for this. You are one of the smartest people I have ever met and if anyone can do it, you can.”
“I will, I promise, but you will be there to see it.”
“Tell Tom and Lillyan that I love them.” She closes her eye and takes one last rattling breath.
Raven listens and watches as the heart monitor continues to beep. She has slipped into a comatose state she is still hanging on but for how long?
Raven walks quickly out of the room stripping off her soiled PPE and putting it in the incinerator basket she stands in front of another nurse turning to make sure that wasn’t anybody fluids to be seen.
“You are good, Dr. Ballenger.” The woman whispers. Raven nods and walks to the showers. She needs to wash and make sure that nothing got through her suit.
Stripping off her scrubs she steps under the water grabbing the antibacterial soap and scrubbing every inch of her skin until it is red and raw. That task accomplished, she sits down on the shower floor and sobs. She cries for Maggie, Tom and Lilyann for all the people that love her that are out there hoping that she pulls through.
“Raven, you have been in here for a half-hour I am just checking to make sure that you are alive.”
She looks up at him through the film of water. She likes that he didn’t say if she was ok. He stands there in his scrubs.
“Are you clean?” She croaks out.
His eyes flash at her. “Yes, I just showered and put on fresh scrubs.
She pulls him under the water with her, pressing her naked body to his and fusing her mouth to his. She hungrily devours his mouth. His hands slide up her wet naked body and fist in her hair changing the angle of the kiss making her moan.
He tears his mouth from hers, looking at her through the curtain of water.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asks.
She knows what he is asking if this is her grief, a way to block everything. In a way yes, but she is tired of fighting her feelings for him she wants to feel alive.
“I am sure I want you Blade, I have wanted you since the first moment I saw you.”
He crushes his mouth back down on hers, his hands going to her breasts rubbing her nipples.
The sensation lights a spark in the core, and she is instantly wet. She moans against his mouth as he pushes her against the shower wall, discarding his wet clothes. Then he is standing there in front of her and she can hardly wait for him to be inside her.
She runs her hands down his powerful shoulders, muscular chest and down his six-pack abs and fists his cock making him moan.
“I want you inside of me now.” She growls at him.
“Soon enough, but I want to play with you a bit first.” She growls out her frustration as he runs his hand down her stomach and into her folds. He flicks her clit, and she feels herself gush into his hands.
“You are ready for me.” He murmurs against her ear as he inserts one finger inside of her, stretching her. She moans and hooks a leg around his hip, letting all of her grief and sadness fall away. It is just her and Blade in this moment.
A second finger joins the first, and he begins to glide them in and out of her.