Page 2 of Ice Princess
It was an old refrain from Taylor she was constantly trying to get Raven to work less, to do self-care as she called it. What she didn’t understand was that this job was everything to her. Raven had worked hard to get where she was, and she wanted to rise up the ranks. Raven had even been contemplating doing a rotation in cardiothoracic surgery to get more of a challenge.
“So, you have said before, but you know me I love the job.”
“That is what worries me. You need some work-life balance, girl.”
Raven pats her face and grabs the iPad, “Maybe tomorrow right now I have rounds and gallbladder to remove. How about a drink after a shift?”
“Sounds good! Meet you at The Spot.”
“Sound great.” She waves and Raven turns her mind back to work. A margarita at The Spot with Taylor sounds like the perfect way to end the day. Raven stops and calls out to Taylor.
“See I agreed to a drink work-life balance.”
She rolls her eyes and keeps walking.
Raven shrugs and walks into the next patient room.