Page 7 of Ice Princess
“This is a terrorist attack, make no mistake about it. It will be contained without worry of stepping on toes or hurt feelings.”
“I am confident that you and your team will be able to halt the spread of the outbreak. Just a little heads up in regard to Dr. Ballenger. I will get out of your hair. Please contact me if you need anything from the hospital.”
“Noted,” Blade says, brushing past him and into the elevator with the rest of the crew. He hoped that Mr. Finch was exaggerating the attitude of the surgeon. It would be nice to have another doctor familiar with the hospital and staff to help with logistics. If that was not possible the team would work around her it wouldn’t be the first time that was necessary.
Blade gets off the elevator and standing in front of him is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.
Her blonde hair is swept back into a high ponytail, clear blue eyes assess him with cold efficiency, and from what Blade can see around her scrubs she has curves that would make any man weep.
“You must be Master Chief Benson. I am Dr. Ballenger.” She doesn’t try to shake his hand which he appreciates given the circumstances she seems calm cool and collected and if I can get her on my team, it would be beneficial. It is obvious from the staff that he can see going about their business that she has been able to help everyone keep their cool.
“Have there been any staff infected?” Blade asks her and sees a flash of worry in those cool blue eyes.
“We can discuss particulars in a moment. I want to stay on the case and help. I am not an infectious disease specialist, but I was top of my class in med school. I have been reading over the information you sent over and would like to continue to work on the case if possible.”
“You will follow my orders to the letter.” He says staring her down.
He sees her straighten her spine. Good, he likes his women with a backbone and if he has anything to say about it when this is all over, she will be his.
“If I believe that they are the correct orders to keep my staff safe.” She rebuts and he can see what Mr. Finch was talking about.
“You either agree to follow my orders or you are off the case it is that simple.”
“I agree for now.”
Blade nods, “If that changes please know that I won’t hesitate to take you off the case. Now here is the PPE for your staff and can we please discuss possible infections of your staff.”
She stands looking at him for a long moment before taking the packages of gowns and other equipment.
He has to try hard not to smile. They will butt heads, he can see that but if they can get past it, she will be an excellent addition to his team.