Page 1 of Cowboy Bodyguard
Chapter 1~Lizzie
My feet are killing me, and my back is aching. I can’t wait to toss these heels in the closet, and get out of my work clothes. Baggy sweats, here I come! I’ve been on one airplane or another for almost two days. I’ve had practically no sleep, and my smile is broken. Normally, I love being an airline stewardess, but accepting back to back assignments is a stupid thing to have done.
I want a hot shower, or maybe a soak in the tub. I don’t want conversation. I’ve had more than enough of that with the passengers. A soak, some good food, and sleep are my priorities. Please, don’t let Amy’s boyfriend be at my place! He’s creepy, and I’m not in the mood for his snaky eyes to glare at me.
Before I get the key into the locked door, I already know I won’t get my wish. I can hear Joey’s gruff voice out here in the hallway. He sounds angry. Poor Amy! Why does she seem to love this man so much? He makes me uneasy, and he’s old. He’s forty, I think, and Amy is barely twenty-three.
Taking a steadying breath so that I can fake one more smile, I open the door. There is tension in the room, and Amy looks nervous, but she greets me with a shaky grin anyway.
“Lizzie! You’re home. How bad was it? I can’t believe you tried to hold on for back to back jobs. I was worried about you,” she gushes as if to cover for whatever argument has been going on.
“Ah, baby, you know she wasn’t gone long enough. I could have done with some more time without her around. She’s always in our way,” Joey snarkily comments.
“Don’t mind him, Lizzie. He just likes to keep me all to himself,” Amy says to stop a pending argument.
She need not worry. I’m far too tired to fight, and I’m used to Joey’s less than welcoming attitude. It’s gotten worse over time, and I’m getting better at ignoring it.
“We’re good, Amy. I wasn’t going to interrupt anyway. I want food, a shower, and bed. I won’t get in anybody’s way,” I promise, staring directly at Joey.
“That sounds like an excellent threesome, Lizzie. How about if we join you?” Joey asks with a cocky grin.
Amy playfully slaps at his arm, and says, “He’s just joking. Go ahead and shower. I’ll fix you something to eat, and bring it to your room.”
“Thanks, Amy. That’s sweet of you.” I head to my room without looking back. I can feel Joey’s eyes on me as I walk. Amy’s wrong. He meant every word he said. Why can’t she see it? His sleaziness is so obvious to me. I don’t trust him at all, yet, she’s always defending him. It makes me sad.
The hot water feels so wonderful. It eases my aches, and relaxes my muscles. The soft, well worn sweats I tug on give me comfort, much like a warm hug. I’m pulling a brush through my tangled red hair when Amy brings in a plate full of my favorite foods. Scrambled eggs with cheese in them, bacon, and a chocolate poptart. They’re childish foods, but they make me happy, and my best friend is nice enough to indulge me.
“Thanks, Amy. I didn’t mean to interrupt your time with Joey, and make you cook for me.”
“It’s no trouble. He’s on the phone, anyway. I’m sorry for the way he likes to tease you. He doesn’t mean anything by it. It’s just his way. It’s kind of cute, don’t you think so?” she asks with hope on her sweet face.
It’s not cute at all, and I don’t see it as teasing, but I don’t want to hurt my friend. So, I reply, “I’ve been teased all my life by my brothers, so it’s no big deal. What have you been up to while I was away?”
“Not much. Joey had some work to take care of, and he just came back last night. I suppose that’s why he wants more alone time with me. I’ll make sure he gets it while you’re sleeping. But, we’re going out for drinks tonight. Come with us. It will be fun,” Amy says as she bounces on the bed.
I don’t want to go. So, I look for an excuse to decline, and a great one hits me almost instantly. “I want to write, Amy. I’ve had a story spinning around in my head for days, and I really need to put it on paper before it slips away.”
“Come on! Jot down a few sentences to remind you, and come out with us. Please! I’ve missed hanging out with you. I need my best friend,” Amy begs.
There’s something almost frantic in her blue eyes, and it scares me. I can’t let her down, so I agree even though it makes me nauseous.
She jumps up, and hugs me tight, then rushes from the room. I sigh, eat my meal, and drop onto the bed in exhaustion.
I don’t want any of Joey’s attention tonight, so I dress conservatively. Gray jeans, and a pink sweater are my choice. The pink is soft, and pale, which is my favorite of all the colors in the world. I opt for flats, because my feet are still aching. I let my red hair do its own thing, and fall in waves to my shoulders. A touch of mascara to highlight my green eyes, and I’m ready to have a couple of drinks with Amy, and the jerk.
The bar is full, and Joey wraps a big hand around each of our upper arms, to drag us through the crowd to the bar. His hand feels slimy, and sends waves of chills up my spine. It’s a feeling I can’t quite describe, but I’m close to being frightened. I promise myself I’ll have a long chat with Amy later. I have to make her understand that Joey isn’t right for her, or anyone. I only hope I can make her see him for what he really is. She needs to be saved.
Chapter 2~Lizzie
I’m pacing the floor of my room because I can’t sleep. I haven’t talked to Amy alone, and it’s got me tied in knots. She’s in the other bedroom with that piece of crap Joey, and he’s making her believe he’s an angel. I know differently. I saw him squeezing some other woman’s ass and practically drooling when he touched her cleavage with his middle finger while we were at the bar. Of course, Amy didn’t see anything. He winked at me when he saw me watching. It was all I could do not to barf.
I hear the patio door opening, and wonder who is going out there in the middle of the night. I’m hoping it’s Amy, because I really want to tell her exactly what I think of Joey. I slip out of my room, not wanting to make a sound that might wake up Joey. To my horror, it is him I see on the balcony. He’s on the phone, and he’s not happy.
I shouldn’t listen, but I can’t seem to help myself. What I’m hearing is confusing. It’s almost like he’s speaking in code about a job, which makes no sense at all.
“Five will do it. No, not for big H. I don’t like last minute work,” Joey is saying. There’s a pause, and then he pounds a fist on the railing before he continues. “Fire in the hole. Is the product locked down? It better be profitable. Leave it in the usual place. No traces, I got it.”