Page 3 of Cowboy Bodyguard
My light brown hair, is streaked with dirt, but the blonde highlights from the sun show through in places. I could use a shower after spending the morning at the back of a herd of cows, who kick up enough dust to choke a man. I’m headed that way when the phone begins to ring. It’s not time for the call I’m expecting, so I consider ignoring it. My military training won’t allow it. I’ve got a feeling something bad is coming.
I take off my work glove, and drop it on the desk. I grab the phone before it stops ringing, and gruffly say, “Murphy Ranch, Jack speaking. To what do I owe the honor of this call?”
I know the voice on the other end of the phone the instant the first word is spoken. My call has come early, and the hairs on the back of my neck raise in response to the urgent tone my boss uses.
“Your assignment is changing. We’ll deal with the one you were supposed to have another time. This one is urgent, and I think you are going to find it hits home for you. You’ve been waiting a long time for this. But, first you’ve got to protect a witness for us.”
“You’ve found him, haven’t you? I was right all along, wasn’t I? Max was murdered. I want to strangle the fucking guy who did it with my own two hands. Tell me where he is, and I’ll be there tonight,” I say, more than ready to kill.
“He’ll be in custody soon, but it’s not that easy. He’s a semi-large fish in an ocean of bigger ones we want to get. He’s bad, no doubt about it, and you would know that better than most of us. The problem is, he has friends who are just as bad, if not worse. We’ve got a witness to his latest crime, and he wants her dead. He can’t get to her, but his buddies can. I’m sending her to you. Protect her at all cost, and your partner’s killer will fry.”
Chapter 4~Lizzie
“Move!” I tell my legs the moment I catch a breath. I can hear running footsteps, and I know it’s just a matter of moments before Joey discovers me in the dark alley. My fingers continue to fumble with the phone, but I can’t even dial 911 because I’m shaking so badly.
“I know you’re out here somewhere, Lizzie!” I hear him shout. “You might as well stop running. Even if I miss your ass tonight, you can’t hide forever. Amy will pay the price until you give yourself to me. I’ll make sure she’s in hell.”
I whimper, but not loud enough for him to hear. He means what he says. I’m certain he will torture Amy unless I can warn her to leave. I slide into a filthy dumpster, and drop my phone on a pile of banana peels. It lights up, and I see Amy’s smiling face staring at me through messenger. She’s worried because neither of us is in the house.
With fear of her being tortured or killed on my mind, I gain strength to message back. ‘You’re in danger. Get out! Run! Believe me for once.’ Then, I say a prayer that she obeys.
I hear sirens, and they’re getting close. How? I didn’t complete the call. My brain begins to function, and it reminds me that there’s a building on fire. Of course, the firetrucks and the cops are coming. I peek out of the dumpster. No one is there.
I climb out, using the trash to help me gain leverage to get over the dumpster’s rim. I start running again. This time I’m running toward the sirens, and the lights. Help awaits me on the street just feet in front of me.
I hear screaming, and realize it’s me. I wave my arms at a passing police car, and come close to falling in front of it. Thank goodness, it stops. I feel arms wrap around me, and a kind voice asks, “Were you in the fire? Are you hurt?”
I keep repeating, “He killed him. He burned him. He killed him,” over and over.
“Who killed him? Help us understand,” they say as I’m put in the squad car.
Over the cop’s shoulder, I see a shadow in the alley. Flashing lights briefly brush across the darkness, and I can see Joey standing there, his eyes glowing with hatred. I scream right in the cop’s face, and point.
“HIM! Joey! He burned that man to death!”
They turn, but he’s already gone.
“Amy. He’s going after Amy. You have to help her, or he’ll kill her. Please!” I beg.
“We’ll straighten this out at the station. We’ll get you a cup of strong coffee, and you’ll start making sense,” the heavyset male cop replies.
I look to the female, with the bright blue eyes, and see she knows I’m making perfect sense. “Please,” I repeat. “Amy Butler, my roommate, needs help. Joey’s her boyfriend, and she doesn’t know how evil he is. He’ll go after her since I’m out of his reach. Help her.”
“We will. Give me an address, and I’ll send someone while we take you back to the station. I have a feeling you know what happened at the warehouse,” she answers calmly.
At the station, they give me clean clothes, coffee, and pastries. I can’t eat a bite, because I can’t get the smell of burning flesh out of my nose, but the coffee gives me what I need to tell my story. I explain about the phone conversation I overheard, and the distrust I’d had for Joey since the day we had met.
I’m given a lecture over my foolish choice to follow Joey. They’re right, it was a stupid thing to do. When I get to the part about the gasoline, and the man’s screams, I break down all over again. I’m hysterical for quite a while. The police allow me to get it out of my system, and offer sympathy.
I rest alone for an hour, then the sergeant comes in with news. “Your friend isn’t at your apartment. From the looks of it, she packed a bag, and ran. I assume she received your message, and believed you. Although, it’s also possible she ran away with Joey. Evidence shows he was there after the fire.”
“You have to find her, and make sure she’s alright. She fell in love with a fake. She is too naïve to realize what he truly is,” I explain.
“What about you, Lizzie? Do you know what he is?” the sergeant asks.
“He’s a liar, a manipulator, and a murderer as of tonight,” I reply.
“He’s more than that. He’s eluded us, and the FBI, for a long time. He’s a serial killer, who enjoys using fire. Tonight, wasn’t Joey’s first murder, or execution if you prefer the word. You’ve got yourself in the middle of a huge mess. You’re a witness that he can’t allow to live. Sure, the video is great, but we’ll also need you to testify once he’s caught. So, you’re in great danger, and not just from him. He has a boss, as I’m sure you guessed from his phone call,” the sergeant alerts me.