Page 7 of Accidental Wedding
Whoever it is, they have to be here for me. I’m not sure how they found me in the United States, but it has to be someone from overseas. It’s not like I have enemies stateside, and I doubt that anyone wants to hurt April. The only reason someone would be aiming at her is because of me. We’re sharing a hotel room, and someone had to have been following me. They probably saw us get married and are assuming… well. I’m not sure what they’re assuming, since I don’t know who it is that just took a shot at April.
Whatever it is, it’s nothing good.
All this and more races through my mind in seconds as I lay on top of April.
Chapter 8- April
I have no idea what’s happening. One minute, I’m embarrassed that I’m practically naked in front of my “husband” and the next, said husband has tackled me to the ground, but in a surprisingly careful way.
I lay still and try to process what’s going on. There might have been a noise—glass breaking, maybe? —before Shane moved so fast I didn’t even see him. Not even trying to voice my confusion, I do my best to stay still until I find out what is happening. I’m so scared I don’t think I could move even if I wanted to.
It could be minutes or hours before Shane finally shifts to the side. As his weight eases off me, I’m about to sit up but his firm hand on my back holds me in place. His skin is hot on mine and I’m suddenly very aware that I’m still in just a bath towel.
“Stay down.” Shane’s voice is firm but calm and I automatically do as he says. “Just… don’t move, okay? Can you do that for me, April?”
“Yes, I can,” I whisper to him.
“Okay, that’s good. Now, do exactly as I tell you.”
I nod, carefully to keep laying on the hotel room’s carpeted floor. I’ve still got my dress clutched in one hand as I stare up at the ceiling.
Shane keeps talking from his position on the ground next to me. “Now, what you just heard was a gunshot from a sniper rifle. There’s probably someone watching us from a rooftop across the street. That means—”
“I thought you said you were in the military? What does—” Before I can continue my panicked interruption, Shane presses a hand to my mouth. I tilt my head to face him as much as I can.
“Stay calm and I’ll explain,” Shane says. He doesn’t yell or snap, but his eyes have darkened to a color closer to black than brown. “I am in the military. I’m a United States Green Beret. Whatever it is that you’re thinking, it’s not true. I didn’t lie to you and I’m not going to hurt you, okay?”
I have no reason to believe a word he says… and yet, I do. Shane must see the acceptance in my eyes because he slowly pulls his hand from my mouth, brushing a strand of my hair away from my cheek as he does.
“We have to stay as close to the floor as possible until we’re out of sight of the windows, alright? Problem is, this being the honeymoon suite, there are a lot of windows, since people like the view. We don’t have a good blind spot to shelter in here. Now, put your clothes on.”
I’m nodding along, listening to what Shane’s saying… until he gets to that last part. Wait, what?
He must anticipate my question because he’s quick to explain. “We won’t be able to stand until we’re at the door, and once we’re in the hallway we need to move fast. So you need to be ready to move. That means you need to be dressed. Here’s how this is going to work: You put that dress on and grab that pair of shoes.” Shane gestures to a pair of sandals sticking out of my suitcase. “Grab your purse as we pass the table—we put a fair amount of the cash we won last night in it. I have our paperwork. Do you think that’s everything?”
Shane sounds so in control, so prepared. What more could I possibly add to his plan? “Um… don’t you have a gun, or something?”
“Normally I would but I’m on what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation.”
“Yeah, me too,” I say, and we share a brief smile.
“Okay. Let’s go.” Shane’s smooth command propels my terrified body into motion.
Taking a deep breath, I pull the knot out of the top of the towel and let it fall to either side of me on the floor. Shane reaches out and gives it a firm tug. I slide closer to him. I can feel his breath on my collarbone. Carefully, I shift my weight until the towel pulls free. It takes some contorting, but I’m able to pull my dress on. The whole time, I’m acutely aware of Shane’s eyes on me in a strange mix of protection and what almost feels like… interest?
I can’t dwell on that now. A few more twists and I have my sandals on. Shane nods when he sees that I’m ready and we slowly make our way to the door. The silence in the room is almost deafening—it’s the anticipation, I think.
We eventually make it to the door of our hotel room and Shane moves with the same speed as before, when he saved me from a bullet. Before I know it, we’re out the door and in the hall. I quickly shrug the strap of my purse crossbody and adjust a sandal as Shane scans the halls. I don’t know what he’s looking for, since I don’t see anyone but us in the hall. It’s too late for people to really be leaving their rooms and too early for checkout time. I have to trust Shane though—I’m so out of my element here, it isn’t even funny.