Page 3 of Witness Protection
I know that Craig has money and power if he is released and I talk to these people about what I know, what I have seen, and overheard in the past few years I’m a dead woman. I need to get to my suitcase before anyone else does. It has proof of Craig’s bad business dealings an insurance policy I have been building since I was seventeen.
If Bates’ men go through my luggage….
“What are you thinking about so hard over there?” He asks putting his large warm hand over mine.
“Am I going to jail?” I asked, voicing the first fear that comes to my mind.
“Have you done something that warrants you going to jail?” His gray eyes bore into mine as if he can mine the truth with his stare.
“No, I had nothing to do with the illegal activity. I hosted a few, but that was it.”
I wasn’t ready to tell him about the evidence I gathered against Craig. He might make me feel safe, but this situation did not.
“Then you don’t have anything to worry about.”
“What about my things? My clothes, my journal.” I gasp out thinking about the journal that means more to me than anything tucked into my bag in the trunk of the car.
“We will retrieve your belongings. Can you tell me where they are?”
“They were in the back of Craig’s Mercedes the last time I checked. All I really want is the journal and maybe some clothes to wear.
My insurance, as well as all of my stories and thoughts, are in that journal, I need to get it back.
“I think that can be arranged.” He touches his ear and communicates to the agents still at the house to bring my things to what he calls the safe house.
“They will have to search for your luggage.” He says watching me for any signs of distress.
I shrug, “That’s fine. They won’t find anything interesting.
I had bought the journal from a local artist that I favored. Going to him and telling him what I needed. The flash drive was cleverly concealed in the spine of the journal, invisible to the naked eye. They wouldn’t find it and I wouldn’t give it to them until I was sure I would be safe.
“I am going to keep you safe. Nothing bad is going to happen to you Elise.” Jason says looking at me again, but with a softness in his eyes. There is something there between us, a tension that I can’t describe. All I know is that I feel safe in his presence and I desperately need to feel safe right now.
“Will you stay with me once we get to this safe house?” I ask, hating how weak and dependent I sound.
If this goes well and I get my freedom back I am going to throw off the mantle of the weak willing woman, I have portrayed these last few years and reveal the sassy and independent woman I am underneath. I will thrive in this new life and I am willing to give up anything about Craig to get it. I know that he has murdered people, I know that he lied, cheated, and stolen and now he is going to pay for his sins, and I am going to get a new life.
“Yes, I will stay with you no matter what,” Jason says, his mouth set in a firm line. I relax against my seat secure in the belief that for whatever reason this man feels as if he needs to protect me and for now until I know what is coming, I will take that protection but I am never going to be fully dependent on a man. I have seen what that got my mother and by extension me. I am never going to live that life again.
Chapter Four- Jason
We drive through the checkpoint on the base and drive up to the safe house that will be Elise’s home at least until it can be determined what if any role she played in the illegal activities of Craig Fortini.
“This way please,” I say to her, taking her arm and leading her inside the safe house.
“Someone will bring your bags over from the house after they are searched. Can I get you anything?”
She shakes her head and sits down on the couch in the living room of the safe house. I look down at the perfunctory surroundings. It isn’t what is she is used to I am sure of that but she doesn’t seem to even notice the surroundings she looks at her hands and seems lost.
“Someone will be in to talk with you in just a moment, I need to go to the debriefing will you be alright while I am gone?” She looks up and again I get a glimpse of that fire in her eyes before it is again masked by the meek disguise she has in place.
“I will be fine thank you.”
She smiles and I walk out of the safe house striding across the base to reach our command center where the debriefing will happen. I don’t like being away from her, and possessiveness has set in. I am not sure where it is coming from, but I have a need to be with this woman that far outweighs the normal feelings of wanting to protect a witness.
“We have searched Craig Fortini’s home and office. There is no evidence that Miss Stuart had anything to do with Fortini’s business dealings. It appears that she was straight with us at the scene. She hosted parties and such for him, but that was it. He used her as a pretty plaything and then when she wasn’t needed, he kept her under lock and key.