Page 8 of Witness Protection
“He what? How is that even possible?”
“I am going to check the perimeter and then get a full briefing. I need you to get dressed and then stay put.”
I nod and climb out of the bed, heading to the bathroom. Jason checks the bedroom and bathroom and then heads out to check the rest of the house and perimeter.
I take a quick shower and get dressed, coming out into the living room to find agents swarming all over.
“Do we know how this happened?” I ask, looking around at the people milling about.
Jason comes over, his eyes worried and serious, “He bribed one of those guarding him. We found two dead soldiers, and one is missing. We tracked a wire transfer to his bank account. We froze all of Craig’s accounts, but it seems he had some we weren’t aware of.”
“That does not surprise me,” I say putting my shaking hands in the back pockets of my jeans.
“We will get him back where he belongs but for now, I need you to be careful.”
I nod and sit down on the couch, oblivious to all the chaos around me. A cold icy feeling forms in my chest. I knew better than to think I could have a different life. When Craig finds a way to get to me, I am going to be dead and make no mistake, I know he will find a way.
I look over at Jason, sound asleep in the bed next to me. It has been a long day full of manhunts and strategizing. He is worried about me and hasn’t let me out of his sight all day long. The feeling of being watched is constantly with me.
My phone buzzes on the table next to me with an unknown number.
UNKNOWN: Elise sweetie it’s mom, I am in trouble and I need your help. I saw something I shouldn’t have, and Manchelli is going to have me killed.
My stomach drops. I know this could be a trap, but she is my mother and I need to help her.
ELISE: Mom, where are you? I can send some people to get you to bring you somewhere safe.
MOM: No, please don’t I need you to come yourself, I need help.
A picture comes through my mother’s broken and battered face. Her arm hangs at a strange angle and it looks like she is in some kind of cheap hotel.
MOM: I am so scared honey, please help me.
I lay the phone down and look over at Jason who is sleeping deeply. If I wake him will he help me? I can’t leave her like this.
ELISE: Text me the address where you are, I am on my way.
I know this is a stupid move and is probably a trap but even if it is Craig and he has my mother, I need to save her. She might have been a crappy mom, but she is still my mom.
I silently get dressed and slip out of the room. I have spent enough time here to know that they are not quite as vigilant with security, feeling like the surrounding base is enough of a deterrent. With Jason in the house there isn’t a posted guard outside the safe house.
I slip out and into the night. I need to find my mom.
Chapter Eight- Jason
I roll over and pat the empty bed beside me. It is cold, and my eyes spring open.
“Elise?” I call out but I know she isn’t here I can feel how empty the house is.
I vault out of bed and quickly dress, searching the rest of the safe house. She isn’t here. She has been known to take walks around the base, but she wouldn’t leave without letting me know.
I pick up my phone and alert the team that she is gone.
“Jason she is gone we have searched the entire base and nothing. We are going to have to assume that she left of her own accord. There is no evidence of a break-in or a struggle.