Page 8 of Braax's Bride
Confused, she turned to look at him, brows furrowed in question.
“What do you mean?”
The way his mouth curled into a fanged grin set her stomach fluttering all over again, tempting to plant another seed of arousal that had no business coming to life.
“Our seed is healing, will repair any tears or strain that you have endured.”
Healing jizz. Put that on the list of things she didn’t expect to hear come out of her new husband’s mouth. But yes, already there was a pleasant numbing sensation between her legs, the dull ache retreating.
Between the long trip to Olara 8 and the vigorous activity she’d just been subjected to, Sofia was exhausted. Her eyes fluttered shut as she rested her head against Braax’s chest, a strange sense of peace enveloping her.
Chapter 3
SOFIA AWOKE TO A distinct pressure at her backside, a brawny arm wrapped around her waist. A moment of panic before she remembered where she was, on Olara 8, in bed with her new husband.
Braax nuzzled her cheek as she blinked her eyes open, her back flush to his powerful chest.
“Good morning, my sweet wife.”
“Good morning,” she murmured, still half asleep as she felt his hard cock slip between her bare thighs.
The brush of his erection against her made her core ache with need, though she had just woken up. She smiled, warmth building quickly as he rutted into her, and not just from the physical stimulation. The way her new husband desired her so wholeheartedly was quite a surprise, but a pleasant one.
Even if this was just a mutually beneficial arrangement, it was nice to feel wanted.
Sofia swallowed the knot threatening to form in her throat, unwilling to think longer about the emotions threatening to burst through.
“How long have you been awake?”
“A long time,” he purred. “I have been waiting for you.”
He whimpered as he thrust between her thighs and she let out a low moan, already needy with arousal.
His voice was deep and husky, prickling the sensitive skin of her neck as he whispered in her ear.
“Do you want my cock, wife?”
Just the words sent an electric bolt up her spine and she tried to focus, take stock of her parts. Sore from last night, yes, but nothing unbearable. And at the moment, need outweighed any chance of pain, so she gave him her answer.
The single word was like a spark to a fuse, Braax adjusting her so that her back arched as she lay on her side.
Without further preamble, there was a pressure at her entrance, a pinch of pain as he entered her. Not with his cock, but a thick finger, claws thankfully retracted.
Sofia whimpered as her husband worked the digit inside of her, stretching her muscles slowly.
“Remember to breathe, sweet Sofia. I need you to relax before I can fuck you,” he murmured, bringing her back to herself.
She let out a sigh, trying to focus on the deep breathing techniques she learned in physical therapy. It was easy to get too eager—to push herself too much—which would only cause more issues in the future. Endo had taught her to clench and tighten her muscles, trying to protect herself from the flares of pain, but she knew she needed tolet go.
Her muscles calmed as he added a second finger, kneading her interior with tender strokes.
“Good girl, Sofia. So good for me.”
Another whisper in her ear that sent a jolt up her spine, a smile pulling at her lips as the embers ignited at the apex of her thighs.
Suddenly his fingers were gone, quickly replaced by the tip of his cock prodding at her slit. She squirmed against him, not caring how needy she looked, but his strong arms held her fast to the bed. With a grunt, he began pushing his way in, her cunt slick with arousal.