Page 19 of Twisted Obsession
‘Can I get on here with him, please?’ I looked up to find Janine as I asked my question and the realisation of just who my grandfather’s new companion really was, hit me.
He’d known he was dying for a long time. My heart felt heavy at the burden he’d been carrying around.
‘Yes, of course. It’s the closeness of our nearest and dearest that keeps us all tethered here, after all.’
I took in her words and gingerly got up onto the bed with him. Lying down beside him, I placed my head next to his shoulder and took his hand in mine trying to ignore the cannula that was already there.
‘Do you know I was the first to hold you after you were born?’
‘Yes,’ I whispered, remembering the story he’d told me a few times before.
‘I held you upright and placed your head on my shoulder, and together we watched a violent summer storm.’
‘We’ve seen many a storm together,’ I offered.
‘We have, Nipote… although this will be our last.’ I understood he was talking metaphorically and swallowed as my throat tightened with captured emotion.
‘How long, Nonno?’ I asked.
‘I’ve known for a while.’
‘Why didn’t you say before?’ I voiced the question knowing the answer already. He couldn’t appear weak before our family was strong enough to cope without him.
‘What you can’t change, Nipote, you have to accept.’
‘I’m not sure I can do this without you,’ I selfishly responded.
‘Look at me,’ he demanded.
Reluctantly, I tore my gaze away from a small spot on his expansive ceiling just as the tears that had been creating the building pressure behind my eyes began to force their way out.
‘I’m sorry,’ I muttered, apologising for my sudden weakness.
He lifted our conjoined hands and used one knuckle to wipe the cheek he could reach.
‘You are stronger than you think, Giovanna. I have refused all the marriage offers for you so far, as I wanted you to first become the woman I know is inside there. The same woman you rarely let make an appearance.’ His face lightened and for a few seconds his pain seemed to slip away. ‘I saw her today. I saw her in your smile, I heard her in your laughter, and your zest for life. Don’t shut her away any longer, let her free. I regret I won’t be there to watch you fly, but you must promise me you’ll embrace the one who will, because he’ll be the same one who will catch you when you fall.’ He stopped as another cough racked through him, and I squeezed my eyes tightly wishing it away, all the while picturing Dante in my mind. At the same time, I felt my pocket vibrate as what I was sure was Dante’s mobile went off inside my pocket. It was if he was reminding me that he was still with me. Once Nonno’s cough had subsided, he carried on, ‘Be the woman you keep out of your mama’s reach.’
‘I’m just me, Nonno. Just me.’ I shook my head a little.
‘I see you, Giovanna, and I have a need to tell you what I want for you. I have placed Salvatore as head of the family, and he will do a good job. Your brothers will fall into line beneath him. But know this…’ He coughed again and continued, ‘One day you will also be in the position of the facilitator.’
‘Facilitator?’ I questioned, puzzled at his use of the word.
‘Yes. You will one day be in a position that makes this family stronger, or be the one who tears it apart.’
‘Me?’ I answered with fear creeping into my tone.
‘I have every faith you will choose the right path.’ He nodded as he swallowed, trying to curb a cough that now seemed to be ever present.
‘You will become your own woman; this will mean you butting heads with Salvatore. First and foremost, be safe andlisten to his direction where it counts, then live your dream, work hard, and learn the piano until there is nothing more for anyone to teach you. When you play at your first concert, I will be there on your shoulder like you’re now on mine.’
I could feel his body fighting against him expelling his precious breath to speak to me. But like always he carried on, making sure he imparted his love and instructions to me.
‘And when you find love like the true love I found with your nonna, hang on to it tightly. You may find other loves, but true love… It only comes but once.’
He stopped speaking, as his body shook violently once again with another coughing fit. Reluctantly, I sat up to let a nurse help Janine get him comfortable. Tears were still falling silently and undisturbed from my eyes, down over my cheeks and I watched as they dripped onto his clean, white bedding.
‘Rest now, Nonno. I’ll be back later.’