Page 27 of Twisted Obsession
‘I’m not sure that’s allowed.’ I grimaced as I heard myself talking.
‘We’re two consenting adults, Giovanna,’ he reminded me, taking on a reprimanding tone.
‘I know, but...’
‘No buts. The only question here is, do you want to be kissed by me?’
‘You know I do.’ My voice fell to a whisper at my admission.
‘Maybe, but I want to hear you tell me.’
‘I…’ My voice faltered.
‘Tell me, amore mio.’ He did it again, calling me his love. It was then I understood I would risk anything to be with him, even my own embarrassment.
‘I want you to kiss me again.’ My cheeks were burning at my confession, and although it wasn’t at all cold, my skin broke out in goosebumps as I relived for maybe the hundredth time, just what it felt like to be in Dante’s arms with his lips pressed on mine.
‘I know, and more than anything I want to kiss you, too. It gives me pleasure to instruct you, Giovanna.’ His voice deepenedas he spoke. I was inexperienced but even I recognised the lust in his tone. ‘When I kiss you again, make no mistake, you will enjoy it.’
I stifled the gasp that was trying to force its way from my lips. What was it with the way he spoke to me? All I knew was I wanted to hear more, and I was prepared to create hell to ensure my brother let me go.
‘I’ll see you in one hour,’ he instructed.
It took all I had not to answer him with a “Yes, sir.”
‘It’s clear, Don De Luca.’ Lorenzo, who had been one of my bodyguards since I’d crossed from childhood to womanhood, informed my brother.
Hearing him speak, I stopped wrapping my hair up in the silk scarf I’d brought with me and used the anger I felt at the title he’d bestowed on Salvatore to shove my hand against his shoulder. It made the large man, who was at least six or seven years older than me, take a surprised step back.
‘My grandfather is still alive,’ I reminded him, almost hissing the words through my teeth. I knew it was inevitable my grandfather would die—but until it was so, I wasn’t going to allow my brother to take his title within earshot of me.
Lorenzo had the decency at least to silently acknowledge my anger and pain. As he carried on listening to Salvatore, he mouthed his apology and dipped his head to me.
‘Yeah, just a couple of old women at the front lighting candles and praying, the confessional is empty. Paulo is standing guard at the west entrance.’ He stopped to listen for further instructions, then looked down at me. ‘You can go in now, Giovanna.’
‘By myself?’ I questioned.
‘Yes, by yourself. We will have both doors covered. Hold on.’ Suddenly he was pulling out his earpiece and handing it to me.
‘I’m not wearing that.’ I shook my head at him vehemently, suddenly worried my secret rendezvous was about to be spoilt.
‘The boss wants to talk to you.’ He raised an eyebrow at me.
‘Okay, okay.’
I held it close to my ear without it touching my skin.
‘Lorenzo says you’re clear to go in. Make your visit quick and come straight back home.’
‘I want to do confession.’ I could almost picture him pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. I knew I was being a complete brat, but I was willing to say and do anything to spend a little time with Dante.
‘Giovanna, do you understand what is going on?’ Salvatore raised his voice. ‘You are a De Luca woman. As such you would be a prized scalp for our enemies to take. I want you safe. I want you home as soon as possible.’
A shudder crept down my spine as I thought of what Mia had been through.
‘I want to light candles for Mia and for Nonno. I want to pray for her recovery, for all our sakes, but especially for Gabriel’s. I want God to hear my pleas to take Nonno into his arms as painlessly and comfortably as possible.’ I sniffed back the emotion that was once again threatening to engulf me.