Page 35 of Twisted Obsession
‘No.’ She all but whispered the single word as her head once again turned to face me.
‘Good.’ I nodded, feeling my anger go down a couple of notches and finding it hard to suppress my glee.
‘I’m not sure it’s good.’ At her answer I raised a questioning eyebrow at her. ‘I think it must be incredible to have someone to rely on, not only for your own happiness, but also knowing that you could be the catalyst of theirs, too.’ I caressed her hand encouraging her to carry on. ‘But apparently, I’m not good ‘Ndrangheta marriage material.’ She shrugged. ‘Maybe it’s my awkwardness or the fact I want more from my life than just marriage and babies.’
My cock twitched again at the thought of filling her full of my seed and watching her stomach grow fat with our child.
‘You’re not awkward, you just need the right person to be by your side.’ I cleared my throat. ‘Maybe the truth is you don’t want to marry because of the constraints?’ I questioned.
‘I do,’ she answered, and I released an exhale. ‘I think it must be incredible to have someone to rely on not only for your happiness, but just maybe…’ She stopped talking as my hand began to stroke hers.
Rein it in, Dante.
I heard my head demand that I hold myself back. That this woman here was my way to get back at my obnoxious brother-in-law. But even I wasn’t that stupid. Right here on the seat I was sure was for decorative purposes only, I understood that for some reason I needed her to be all in.
‘Go on,’ I encouraged. Behind me, in the quietness of the hall I heard the unmistakable pitch of a radio connecting and knew it would be Salvatore with more orders or questions for her bodyguards. When footsteps sounded out as they walked away to converse with him, I felt the second Giovanna and I had a small window in time.
‘Go on,’ I encouraged again.
‘It must be wonderful to have someone who shares not only your dreams and passions, but also your fears, worries and concerns.’ She spoke fast, not overthinking her words and giving me a brief look at her truth.
No. You can’t be her someone. This right here is a game for Salvatore’s sake only.
‘It must,’ I agreed, before clearing my throat, removing my hand from hers, and standing quickly.
The second I disconnected from her; I knew it was wrong. It was so fucking wrong I wanted to fall to my knees and beg her forgiveness.
As she stared at the glass in her hands, not knowing where to look after my snub, I fought against pulling her up and intomy arms. Instead, I reached out to her with one hand, hoping she understood the gesture.
‘Come on, let’s take you to see your grandfather.’
She placed her glass down to the floor and took hold of my offered hand. As I wrapped up her hand in my own, I tightened my fingers, not wanting to ever let go. When she lifted her eyes to meet mine, and stood at the same time, I knew I was all in. Pushing all sense of reason, my resolve, everything and everyone else out of my thoughts I lifted my other hand and brushed the back of my fingers over her cheekbone and watched her reaction. In those few seconds, I lost all sense of purpose until all I could do was to feel.
Feel? When all I wanted to do was to hate.
‘Mine.’ I sounded out confidently, totally believing in that minute what I was saying was true. Giovanna’s reaction was silent but so telling in her agreement.
If only life could have let us have just that, just that single moment in time without reminding us both of our family duties, but of course it couldn’t.
My eyes snapped open and a sense of hopelessness filled me.
She was it.
Giovanna De Luca was the woman I knew I’d one day meet. I’d been well and truly played at my own game, and I hadn’t a fucking clue what to do about it.
Just then a loud rumble followed by a resonating bang found me, from outside the open balcony doors. Suddenly, light filled my large room, making the light grey on the walls appear almost metallic. The storm had well and truly reached us in more ways than one. I leapt out of bed and strode up to where I knew I would find one of the fixes I needed. Pressing a pod into the coffee machine, I waited less than a minute for the machine to do its job. Removing the small cup, I added a small amount of iced water and chugged down the espresso. Instantly, theliquid began to bring my dulled senses more into focus. With it regenerating my system, I took a quick look at my watch and saw that it was only seven thirty. I’d slept for just over an hour and looking down, I saw I had the same boner I’d gone to sleep with.
‘Giovanna,’ I whispered to only myself, as a sense of acceptance and regaining my equilibrium found me.
Walking across to the open doors, I focussed on looking out to sea. The rain outside was lashing the villa washing it free of its sins.
I wonder?
With that one thought, I stepped over the threshold and out into the violence of nature that was happening around me. Spreading my arms out wide I stared up at the dark grey sky and closed my eyes to embrace the onslaught I was stood in. There I stood for as long as it took. Until each drop of rain stung my skin as soon as it connected with my naked flesh. My hair was plastered to my face making it difficult to see anything at all, except the beautiful girl inside my head.
It was her, I saw with a clarity, that I’d been waiting for my entire life. It was then I understood that I had to step up to be the man she needed, or stay the fuck away. Unfortunately, I wasn’t sure I could do either.
Chapter Sixteen