Page 54 of Twisted Obsession
I touched the screen again to release the bolts to my office door just as the woman between my legs tucked my cock back inside my trunks and attempted to zip up my trousers.
‘I’ll do it.’ I spoke to her as kindly as I could, before her attempt to do my bidding and trembling hands saw my cock caught in the zip.
‘Okay, Dante,’ she replied, and as usual I cringed at the sound of her using my name as though she knew me.
As she pushed her hands onto my thighs and started to move out from her position in between my legs, I widened them so she could back herself out from the hidey hole. I stretched out my tight calves, before righting myself. Looking down at my zip I could see a slight damp patch beside it. Zipping myself up, I brushed my fingers over the stained fabric.
‘Fuck,’ I released under my breath, understanding that although my jacket would cover the blemish for the rest of the day, I would throw the whole suit away as soon as I got back to my apartment that night. It was one thing getting head from women I cared nothing about, but I refused to be reminded of the act.
‘Dante, I was thinking...’ Hearing the almost whine in her voice, my head instantly switched off. I’d heard the same conversation so many times over the years, I knew it word for word.
‘You can leave now.’ I looked up at her and knowing our time together was now up, I took her in for the first time in the few weeks she’d been coming to see me. Black hair, dyed from a bottle, but done well. Brilliant blue eyes that could have matched my own, but they were so perfect I quickly worked out that she had to be wearing contacts. She was pretty, but not beautiful. When she began to fidget under my perusal, I hardened my gaze.
‘Hi,’ she whispered, as she tried hard to act coy but didn’t quite manage to hit the mark. Instantly, the smile fell from my mouth.
Marco had done well with this one. She was exactly what I looked for in a woman these days; dark haired, blue eyed and gave head like a pro.
But it was over. He’d have to talk some other wannabe into dying their hair.
‘I thought maybe we could go out… spend some time together.’
I answered her the same way I did them all when they started asking for more.
‘Yeah, unfortunately… It’s over.’
‘What?’ she screamed, as both her hands found her hips.
‘You heard.’ I moved quickly, leaning forwards, making her hands fall away and her to take a step back. ‘Now, either youcan go quietly with a large wad of cash in that designer handbag you’re holding, or you can go even quieter?’ I lifted one eyebrow at her.
If I’d been looking closely enough, I knew I would have found fear in her eyes, but I didn’t bother looking, because I couldn’t have given a flying fuck. I was a twenty-eight-year-old arsehole, and I knew it, but that didn’t faze me either. She knew the deal, like the countless others before and no doubt after her.
‘But Dante… I’ve fallen in love with you,’ she pleaded.
Laughter left me because it was fucking comical. ‘You’ve given me some fairly good head over the past few weeks. That’s all…That’s not love. Love is when you can’t live without the other half of you by your side, so instead you come up with the fucking pretence of a life, so you can exist—that’s love. Being seen out together and love were never part of the deal. You knew that…’ I clicked my fingers loudly as I tried in vain to remember her name, making her jump in the process. I sighed loudly at the tiresome woman, but still her name wouldn’t come to me. Marco appeared through the door, as if he had some sort of second sense that he was needed.
‘Grace,’ he called out gently.
‘That’s it!’ I shouted, ‘Grace,’ as I continued being the prick that my situation and De Luca had created.
I watched as Marco held out his hand to her. At first, she looked between the two of us. With the pleasure of my orgasm receding with each second that passed and now needing peace to work through the normal crap that came after it, I rolled out the drawer next to me. Picking up my Beretta, I flicked off the safety and laid it down gently on the desk between us. Then pushing the barrel gently with the tip of my finger, I made sure it was pointing in her direction.
Her contact filled eyes widened, before she almost ran to where Marco was still standing, shaking his head at me, but stillwith his hand stretched out awaiting her. When she fell into his arms with a sob, I waved him away for the second time that day.
‘Marco, she’s a pro at giving head. Get Grace to suck your cock before she leaves, you deserve it.’
I heard her sob at my words and knew I’d done enough to make her fall instantly “out of love” with me. A wry smile found my mouth.
‘I’ve got no need of your seconds,’ he replied laughing.
As the door closed behind the two of them, I released an exhale and pushed the chair I was sitting on away from the desk. Standing up, I made my way to the nearest of the three large, double windows and looked down at the bustling port below me. The view from my office in Valetta was one of the only perks about running my wider family’s business interests in Malta. Three casinos, cocaine and our import and export business, which made enough money to cover the illegal gaming money we brought in through the smaller ports for laundering. That and the selling of Maltese passports, which of course gave their holders European rights, meant that our ‘Ndrangheta family was now solely responsible for bringing in a total wealth of three percent of the whole Italian economy.
After my exemplary military record, I’d been given the position of heading up the family here. I’d done my time in the army at Salvatore’s insistence, five years to be exact, rising to officer level. Maybe he’d hoped the army would take care of me and stop me returning, but when I had, he’d needed to find another place for me out of his way. So, two years before, he’d semi-reluctantly placed me in charge of this arm of the business and sent his grandfather’s former bodyguard, Ricco, to keep an eye on me.
When I’d first arrived in Malta, with specific instructions to find out what the hell was going on, we’d found it was being run by a local who was so fucking corrupt he made the ‘Ndranghetalook innocent. He was constantly drugged up to the eyeballs and embezzling whatever he could from under our noses to feed his drug, prostitution, and gambling addictions, which meant he was more than sloppy. He couldn’t have given a shit about what he was doing, and he was giving us the finger out in public, which meant threatening to stick a red-hot poker up his arse, while he bargained for his life, had been effortless on my part. As had the simple act of placing my Beretta to his temple and pulling the trigger. He’d made it easy for Ricco and me to bring his life to a close, and in doing so, I knew I’d earnt the old man’s respect. The bastard’s death had gained back our family’s credibility and his brand-new yacht I’d taken for myself.
A lesson had been learnt.
Although our previous Don had been aware that something had been going on in Malta, he’d been too busy fighting off the usurpers from Rome and Sicily when he’d first stepped up to power. As much as I hated it, I wasn’t stupid enough to argue with facts. Salvatore De Luca Jnr had brought such a strength of force to the role of Don when he’d taken over, by taking swift justice in his own hands and killing his own father, peace now reined in Calabria. Because of that, my family was safe and happy, and his empire was stable.