Page 24 of Hotter 'N Hell
When he turned to leave, I waited until the door closed behind him before I let out a groan of frustration. I wanted to be around Father Jude and not get wet and tingly. Why did he have to do that eye stuff and make his voice deeper? His stubble was returning from the clean shave he seemed to always do on Sundays.
I needed a fan. It was suddenly too warm in here.
My phone rang, and I glanced down to see Gathe’s name.
“Hey,” I replied as I mopped the floor I had cleared today for the second time. I was determined to get rid of the smell in this place.
“Where you at?” he asked. “Because you’re not at home, which makes me proud, considering it’s after seven at night.”
“Working,” I replied.
“Wait a minute. I think there is a problem with the line, or I’m hallucinating. I thought you said working.”
I rolled my eyes, wiping my forehead with the back of my arm.“Don’t be an ass.”
“I’m not. But, Princess, you have never worked a day in your life.”
Which was why I was here, doing this—because I was tired of being pointless. Of my days having no meaning.
“The free clothes closet I told you about,” I reminded him.
“And they have you working this late? That’s a free gig.”
Picking up the mop to wring it out, I grunted before responding, “They aren’t making me. I just have a lot I want done.”
“Who is watching you? There has to be some detail there. Especially with you being out so late.”
Shut up, Gathe.
My parents didn’t know about this yet. I’d told them I’d be at the Catholic church again today, helping with a clothes donation, then going to the loss group meeting. Mom had thought my going to talk to others about loss was a great idea. Since I’d be at a church, neither of them had mentioned someone trailing me. If they found out what I was really doing, that would change. Right now, if Dad looked at the tracker on me and my car, it would show me right beside the church.
“No one is here, and I am fine. There is a parking lot full of people for some meeting at the church. I am locked inside. Do not say a word to my parents or anyone.”
Gathe let out a long sigh. “Yeah, I can’t do that, babe. You know why. You need protection.”
“I have my Glock in my purse,” I reassured him.
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
Setting the mop head down on the floor, I closed my eyes, frustrated with my life and the reasons for all this. I wanted to be normal. “Gathe, please. If Dad or Linc sends someone up here to stand guard all day, they aren’t going to like me being here. And who is Linc gonna send? No one wants to do that. I’ve been herefor twelve hours. Twelve. And I am happy. I’m focused. I’m not at home, living day to day, because I found something to do that makes me feel useful. Don’t take this away from me.”
Gathe made a growly sound in his throat. “Okay, what if I have the locks changed and secured and add bulletproof windows, and someone will drop you off and pick you up? If you’re there after dark, one of us will wait for you outside.”
“No to the windows, seriously. And no to thedropping me offthing. I need my car. I go back and forth from here to the church rec hall to do laundry.”
“You gotta work with me here, Saylor. I’m trying, but you have to give more. When your dad and Linc find out, I’ll need to prove I took precautions to keep my ass from getting a beating. Not to mention, if something happened to you, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
Backing up, I leaned against the wall. “Okay, what if I agree to the bulletproof windows, but you have to get it done overnight so they don’t know it has been changed?” I glanced at the windows, which were in need of a good washing, and wondered how I would explain why they looked so new. “The lock can be done, too, while I am here. I will explain it is just a safety measure.”
“And some drive-bys, and after dark, someone will be watching. That’s a must. It’s not safe for any female.”
“I can pull a gun and pull the trigger just as fast as you can,” I replied.
“I was sixteen when we took you to the shooting range last. I’m lethal now, babe. I play with the big boys.”
I shook my head and let out a laugh. “Whatever.”
“Do we have a deal?”