Page 48 of Hotter 'N Hell
There was a tightening in my chest. Was that anxiety? I gripped the phone, willing her to type faster. Dots, gone, dots again, then gone.
I hit Call and lifted the phone to my ear. Texting wasn’t going to be enough. I didn’t like how this felt. I wanted to hear her voice.
“Hello?” she said hesitantly.
“What’s with the short replies?”
She sighed. “I didn’t think you’d want to be bothered with me.”
The slight edge of pain in her voice had me wanting to get in a car I didn’t own and drive to her house that I didn’t know the address to.
“You could never bother me,” I replied honestly. “Why would you think that you would?”
“Because you couldn’t get away from me fast enough today.”
Was she serious?
“Four men—one who I know is your friend, the others I’m assuming are family—showed up to get you. And I’d just had you come on my fingers. It was an awkward situation.”
She sucked in a breath when I saidcome on my fingers, and my dick throbbed in my pants. I unbuttoned my jeans, then unzipped them to free myself before I had a permanent zipper scar. I leaned back on the sofa and threw my arm over my eyes, hoping if I didn’t look at my hard dick, I wouldn’t think of where I wanted to put it.
“They were family. My dad—he has Parkinson’s, and it’s gotten to the point that he is in a wheelchair. He can’t get around like he used to. My, uh, uncle and cousins came for him.”
I hadn’t known about her dad. That got my mind off my erection.
“I knew your parents were worried. I didn’t know about your dad. I just…well, they had come to get you, and me standing there was holding things up.”
I heard a rustling and wondered where she was. It was quiet. Maybe her bedroom.
“They were. My mom is a bit dramatic. Which upsets Dad,” she said. “So, that was why you left? Because of the guys? You weren’t regretting it, like on Sunday?”
Regret. That was a complicated word. One I wasn’t sure I recognized anymore.
“Dimples, I’ve not washed my hand all day so that I can smell your pussy.”
“Oh.” Her breathy response had me biting back a groan. “Really?”
If I wasn’t so hard right now, I’d laugh. “I swear.”
“Can priests swear?”
“At this point, I think swearing is the least of my sins. Don’t you?”
“I suppose so. Did you…I mean, since it was your first time doing that…” She paused. “Did you like it?”
The insecurity in her tone both surprised me and bothered me. Why was she insecure? Did she not realize how incredible she felt and the way she sounded? I wrapped my free hand around my erection, giving in.
“I think I mentioned that I haven’t washed my hand. And you must have been able to tell I shot a load in my pants. I wasn’t subtle about it.”
More rustling, then a soft sigh.
“I was just checking. We didn’t get to talk about it after, thanks to the unwanted calvary.”
I grinned.
“Well, in their defense, there was a wake of destruction around us.”
“Mmm,” she said. “It was fine. Not like we could have done anything to stop it.”