Page 50 of Hotter 'N Hell
A soft laugh. “I didn’t mean to start that.”
No, but I thought I had. “You didn’t.”
“It felt good though. Not as good as when you did it, but still.”
My cock twitched. “Yeah, do me a favor and don’t talk about how good it felt when I did it.”
“Because that’ll get me worked up again.”
She went quiet.
“Why are you going to be late tomorrow?” I asked. Not that she had to be there at all. I just wanted her there. Close.
“I have to get a new car,” she replied. “I wouldn’t worry about it, but if I don’t get one, then one of them will be dropping me off and picking me up. I’d rather them not.”
I needed confirmation on who all of “them” were. Something about the way she referred to them as cousins or family felt off. They were all tall, muscular, and the way they looked…yeah, I wasn’t crazy about it. Women would throw themselves at them. Even the one she’d said was her uncle. I could believe that her family’s DNA had produced a bunch of males that lookedlike that because she was breathtaking. But something didn’t sit right. And I thought I hated the one named Gathe.
“How many cousins do you have? Seems like your extended family is all male, except you. Are they all brothers?”
There was a pause.
“Um, well, I have my older sister, but she lives in Louisiana with her husband. But other than her, pretty much all males. And I have seven male cousins—at least who live here in Madison.”
Seven, huh?
“And uncles? And aunts?” I added the last word just so it didn’t seem like I was focused on the males.
“Six uncles and two aunts.”
Two aunts? Were the others divorced or just single?
I wasn’t going to keep prying. It would get weird. But the niggling that I was missing a vital piece of information was there.
“Big family,” I said.
She let out a short laugh. “Yeah. You could say that. What about you? A big family?”
Not like that, I didn’t.
“Older sister—married, two kids. Older brother—married, one kid. Older brother—divorced, no kids. Mom was an only child, and her parents are dead. Dad had one brother, but he lives in California. Only met him, like, twice in my life.”
“You’re the baby of four. I didn’t peg you for a youngest child.”
I grinned. “And why is that?”
“Because you’re so responsible.”
I looked down at my cock that I needed to put away. “Really? You sure about that?”
A soft laugh came over the line that I wished I could record to listen to whenever I wanted. “Responsible and having a sex drive are two different things.”
Maybe. But right now, I was happy. And I couldn’t rememberfeeling like this in a very long time.