Page 96 of Hotter 'N Hell
Sucking in a breath, I looked at the man they had hanging byhis wrists from the ceiling. His front was caked with dried blood, and his head hung forward as his body appeared limp.
Had Gathe killed someone, and why was Bane showing me?
I started to ask him what the hell this was about when the man slowly lifted his head. Swollen black-and-blue eyes that could barely see out through slits. Battered cracked-open lips. Blood running from the nose all the way down his neck. It took me a moment, but then I saw it. Recognition slammed down on me, taking my breath. As I stood there, frozen, my eyes melded to his. Then, a wail tore out of me, and I ran to him.
“GET HIM DOWN!” I screamed, alarm, panic, and anguish overtaking any other emotion that had been controlling me before.
My hands gently touched his face.
Oh God, oh God, oh God. What had they done to him?
“NOW! GET HIM DOWN NOW!” I demanded, swinging around to see where the hell Bane was and why Jude was still hanging here.
“I’m so sorry,” I sobbed. “I am so sorry. This is my fault. Oh God, this is all my fault.”
“Move so I can get to him,” Bane said, standing behind me.
I nodded, stepping back, then stopping. “Don’t do anything else to hurt him,” I warned.
His eyes dropped to mine. “I came to get you, didn’t I?” He reached up and untied Jude’s hands with such precise skill that he made it look easy.
Jude stumbled forward, and I wrapped my arms around him to try and hold him up.
A grunt, mixed with a groan, left his battered lips.
“Here,” Bane said, clasping his hands on either side of Jude’s arms and leading him over to sit down on a stool, then leaning his back against the wall.
I moved Bane over so I could get in front of Jude. Standingbetween his legs, I held his head up by cupping his face. Tears dripped from my chin as I stared at the horrific things that had been done to him.
“Get Dr. Burl here,” I told Bane, not taking my eyes off Jude. Afraid he’d stop breathing. “DO IT!” I demanded.
“It’s going to be okay,” I assured him. “I’m getting you out of here. We have a doctor. He will fix everything that’s broken.”
A sob shook me as he continued to just stare. Had they damaged his brain? My eyes dropped to his mouth. His tongue. Oh God, his tongue. I closed my eyes and inhaled, trying not to completely fall apart.
“Bane, tell me that they did not slice out his tongue.” The words came out in a frantic rush.
“No, there’s a molar on the floor over here though. Probably the bleeding from that,” he replied so casually that I wanted to slam my fist in his stupid face.
I was going to kill them all.
“Tooth.” Jude’s raspy, barely there voice caused another sob.
I was trying not to cry. He was the one in pain. He needed me, but seeing him like this was another side of torment I hadn’t experienced.
“I’m-okay.” His words ran together.
“No, you’re not. But you will be,” I promised.
“We’re underground,” I heard Bane say behind me. “Broken bones, dehydration, blood loss.”
I winced, listening to the list.
“Hurry. Saylor is having a fucking breakdown.”
“Doc is coming,” I told him. “You’ll feel better soon. I didn’t know. I would have never let them hurt you. I am so sorry.” I wouldn’t be able to say that enough.
I pressed the back of my hand to my mouth to stifle more sobbing. He needed me. I had to get it together.