Page 53 of Risky Vows
"Andie, I need you to push."
Andie screams, and Wrench moves closer to me. When he places his hand on my shoulder, I gather my willpower. Grasping the wire, I turn and stick it in his neck in one quick motion. My idea is to catch a main vein, but I miss it. Still, he falls back, touching his neck as blood flows. I hurt him. Good.
I try to get away, but with one long stride, he catches up and throws me on the floor.
"Fucking with me, tits?" He punches me in the stomach.
I clench my fist, aiming for his face, but he catches it in the air. I kick him, wriggling and writhing in his grasp, adamant about not making it easier for him.
He slaps my face again, and the pain from his earlier punch returns tenfold. My skin burns, and adrenaline rushes through my body. My heart drums in my ears, drowning out Andie's screams and the curses this motherfucker is yelling at me. He might kill me, but I'm done backing down.
I keep kicking him, making it hard for him to hold me still. Now more than ever, I’m thankful I have some meat on my bones. Every ounce of me is being put to good use.
A loud bang announces the door being kicked open.
We both look in that direction, and I smile as I see Massimo rushing in.
My beating heartleaps out of my throat and materializes in front of me.
The second I see Amara, a huge wave of relief pours over me. She's alive. But just as quickly, I notice the bruising around her eye and the blood leaking from her mouth, and an animalistic instinct ignites inside me.
I draw my compact pistol and fire at Wrench. He falls on the floor with a bullet in the middle of his forehead. I move closer, putting another bullet in his face. Then another. And another, until his face is unrecognizable.
I could’ve had fun with him, but this isn’t the time. My priority is to get the women out of here.
Dante, Rocco, and Nico are in the house, and our team has neutralized the enemy. It wasn’t hard—there were only five men, including Wrench. Turns out the Santinis are cutting corners.
"Massimo," Amara sobs, throwing herself at me.
I hold her tight as if she's about to disappear.
"Maybe don't hug me so tight," she huffs, and I loosen my hold.
"Massimo," another female voice moans.
My gaze flicks to Andie. Fuck.
She's lying down, propped on her elbows, with a sheet over her lap. She doesn't look good. Her face is pale, her pupils dilated, and she’s gasping for air.
I'm about to turn to ask for help when Dante and Nico dash into the room. "She's about to give birth."
Nico talks into his phone. "Rocco, Andie needs help."
"Police are on their way. We need to leave. Now. We can take her to a hospital."
"You got this, Andie," Dante says, helping her to her feet.
Every second counts. Nico, Dante, and I carry Andie out of the basement. Rocco trails behind, his weapon raised to ensure we're safe. Amara stays close, not that I’d let her leave my side.
I climb onto the back of the SUV with Amara, Andie, and Dante. Our brothers get into a different one, and the vehicles peel off, veering into the road and quickly, the highway.
We drop off Andie and Dante at the hospital. Amara wants to stay with her, but she would draw too much attention with her bruised face. We don't need the authorities suspecting anything.